Error on non-existing object

  • I am using SSRS in VS 2010 (not sure if this was the correct forum).  I am getting the following error:

    Warning 1 [rsAggregateOfInvalidExpressionDataType] The Value expression for the textrun ‘Textbox118.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ uses an aggregate function with an expression that returned a data type not valid for the aggregate function. M:\Reports\AgDirt\Project file backup\Test Purchase.rdl 0 0 

    I had a textbox118, that just had a database values in it (=First(Fields!EyeColor.Value, "SellerInfo")).  Since I had copied and pasted the textbox.  I thought it might have been corrupted somehow.  So I deleted the textbox and created one from scratch.  I still get the error. 

    I opened the RDL file and looked for that textbox.  It does not exist in the RDL file.

    Any ideas.  Thanks in advance.

  • Strange the error is now gone.  I have no idea why.

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