enabling checkbox to control table visibility

  • HI there,

    I've just been pushed back into SSRS report writing after several years absence and I'm in the middle of a brain freeze, so any help would be appreciated!

    I'm trying to set up a series of 3 user activated check boxes using SSRS 2005 on SQL 2005 that will control the visibility of a series of tables. The problem is I can't remember how to set them up!

    Any help would be grately appreciated!


    Mikey the tired

  • Hi Mikey,

    One option, though not sure how pretty, would be to set Boolean-valued report parameters for the visibility of the tables, then set the Visiblility > Hidden property on the tables to an expression equal to the values of the parameters.

    Another option is to do the same sort of thing but using TextBoxes in the report itself, with values such as "XYZ Table". When you set a table's Visibility > ToggleItem property to the name of the TextBox, a drill-down "plus" icon will appear inside the TextBox. Clicking the plus icon while the report is displayed will then either hide or show the table.

  • Hi there Ezytime,

    I was using the paramaters to control visibility, however your second method was what I was hoping for, and it worked perfectly.

    Thank you for your help!


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