Enable Common Criteria Compliance?

  • I need to do some research for auditing SOX related applications for SQL2005. Anyone has worked on this option yet?

    Any input or related links are much appreciated.

  • it enables some columns on the sessions or connections dmv, forget which one. MS had a nice script for SQL 2005 SP1 but haven't seen anything for SP2 yet

  • It looks like SP2 32 bit is out for this but I cannot find sp3 x64.

    Did you ever find what you were looking for and how did it work out for you?



  • It looks like SP2 32 bit is out for this but I cannot find sp3 x64.

    Did you ever find what you were looking for and how did it work out for you?



  • it's a PITA but you have to check each login failure with event ID 18456 in the app log on the server. what sucks is that the view may return 10 failures when in reality it's just one login failure

  • My problem is I need to find successful logins and more specifically last login date time.

    Last login date time is available in sys.dm_exec_sessions but is not recorded unless

    Common Criteria is enabled.

    I am thinking of using logon triggers instead but that either way I think its way to complicated for something that should be recorde by default.(last login date/time)



  • i run this on a few servers and then there is a job to transfer it to a central server and truncate the data on the source.

    insert admindb..tblsupersysprocesses ( session_id, login_time, connect_time, host_name, client_net_address, program_name, login_name,

    protocol_version, auth_scheme, last_read, last_write, cpu_time, memory_usage,

    last_request_start_time, last_request_end_time, reads, writes)


    a.session_id, a.login_time, b.connect_time, a.host_name, b.client_net_address, a.program_name, a.login_name,

    b.protocol_version, b.auth_scheme, b.last_read, b.last_write, a.cpu_time, a.memory_usage,

    a.last_request_start_time, a.last_request_end_time, a.reads, a.writes

    --into admindb..tblsupersysprocesses

    from sys.dm_exec_sessions as a, sys.dm_exec_connections as b

    --cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(b.most_recent_sql_handle) as SQL_Query

    where a.session_id = b.session_id

    update admindb.. tblsupersysprocesses

    set date = getdate() where date is null

  • Good Idea. Keep tract of realtime dates/times from Sysprocesses.

    Less obtrusive and less complicated then other options.

    Probably safer too.

    Thank you for the idea.


    Mark G.

  • For tracking login, SQL Serer 2008 new feature “SQL Audit” does better job than trigger/profiler/3rd party or home-grown tools as SQL Audit is native to SQL Server, while the others are add-ons to SQL Server.

    It works on SQL2008 version only.

  • it is only with the Enterprise edition which cost 15k per processor if I am not mistaken?

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