Dynamic query with data from another table

  • Hi,

    I have a table that includes other tables name

    create table #temptable
    TableName nvarchar(50),
    RecordCount int

    insert into #temptable values('Table1' ,65417);
    insert into #temptable values('Table2' ,116177);
    insert into #temptable values('Table3' ,49732);
    insert into #temptable values('Table4' ,30);
    insert into #temptable values('Table5',4);
    insert into #temptable values('Table6' ,969775);
    insert into #temptable values('Table7',25946);
    insert into #temptable values('Table8' ,163);
    insert into #temptable values('Table9' ,2994);
    insert into #temptable values('Table10' ,3109576);
    insert into #temptable values('Table11' ,1752744);
    insert into #temptable values('Table12' ,3);
    insert into #temptable values('Table13' ,9);
    insert into #temptable values('Table14' ,1677)

    I need to create a procedure that will check the amount from my #temptable against a count from that table (we get the number from another process).
    Right now I have a check that does it table by table, but I would like to have a dynamic query as the number of tables will grow with time (right now I have 32 tables.
    I have tried, but I am not sure how to fix what I am doing wrong. And I know some things are not right.

    Here is what I wrote

    DECLARE @i INT = 1
    DECLARE @number INT
    DECLARE @TableName NVARCHAR(50)
    DECLARE @mssql INT

    SET @number = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM LoadCount)

    While @i <= @number

    Select @TableName = TableName from LoadCount where NumberID = @i

    SET @TSQL = (SELECT RecordCount from LoadCount where TableName = @TableName)
    SET @mssql = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM mydatabase.dbo. @TableName)

    SET @i = @i + 1

    SET @SQL=
    IF @TSQL = @mssql
        insert into #TempTable (DateChecked, TableName, OracleCount, MSSQLCount, Status) values (@GETDATE, ''' + @TableName + ''', @TSQL, @mssql, ''Pass'')
        insert into #TempTable (DateChecked, TableName, OracleCount, MSSQLCount, Status) values (@GETDATE, ''' + @TableName + ''', @TSQL,@MSSQL, ''Fail'')


  • SELECT t.TableName
         , t.RecordCount
    FROM #temptable t
    JOIN sys.tables t2 ON t.TableName=t2.name
       SELECT object_id, Sum(rows) rows
       FROM sys.partitions
       GROUP BY object_id
       )  p ON t2.object_id=p.object_id
    WHERE p.rows <> t.RecordCount

  • Thanks, but that is not what I am looking for.
    I made a mistake on my sample also, I am trying to get a count into a new table.

    Basically I count the rows before I import data from Oracle, and I want to compare it to the number of final rows that were imported into sql server.
    I have a table that gives me the table name and the number of rows that came from oracle.
    then I need to compare it, to the number of rows in the sql server (table by table)

    DECLARE @i INT = 1
    DECLARE @number INT
    DECLARE @TableName NVARCHAR(50)
    DECLARE @mssql INT

    SET @number = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM LoadCount)

    While @i <= @number

    Select @TableName = TableName from LoadCount where NumberID = @i

    SET @TSQL = (SELECT RecordCount from LoadCount where TableName = @TableName)
    SET @mssql = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM mydatabase.dbo. @TableName)

    SET @i = @i + 1

    SET @SQL=
    IF @TSQL = @mssql
    insert into #TempTableOne (DateChecked, TableName, OracleCount, MSSQLCount, Status) values (@GETDATE, ''' + @TableName + ''', @TSQL, @mssql, ''Pass'')
    insert into #TempTableOne (DateChecked, TableName, OracleCount, MSSQLCount, Status) values (@GETDATE, ''' + @TableName + ''', @TSQL,@MSSQL, ''Fail'')


    and the table will look like this

    create table #TempTableOne
    DateChecked datetime,
    TableName nvarchar (50),
    OracleCount int
    MSSQLCount int,
    Status nvarchar (5)

  • astrid 69000 - Friday, June 1, 2018 6:52 AM

    Thanks, but that is not what I am looking for.
    I made a mistake on my sample also, I am trying to get a count into a new table.

    Basically I count the rows before I import data from Oracle, and I want to compare it to the number of final rows that were imported into sql server.
    I have a table that gives me the table name and the number of rows that came from oracle.
    then I need to compare it, to the number of rows in the sql server (table by table)

    DECLARE @i INT = 1
    DECLARE @number INT
    DECLARE @TableName NVARCHAR(50)
    DECLARE @mssql INT

    SET @number = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM LoadCount)

    While @i <= @number

    Select @TableName = TableName from LoadCount where NumberID = @i

    SET @TSQL = (SELECT RecordCount from LoadCount where TableName = @TableName)
    SET @mssql = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM mydatabase.dbo. @TableName)

    SET @i = @i + 1

    SET @SQL=
    IF @TSQL = @mssql
    insert into #TempTableOne (DateChecked, TableName, OracleCount, MSSQLCount, Status) values (@GETDATE, ''' + @TableName + ''', @TSQL, @mssql, ''Pass'')
    insert into #TempTableOne (DateChecked, TableName, OracleCount, MSSQLCount, Status) values (@GETDATE, ''' + @TableName + ''', @TSQL,@MSSQL, ''Fail'')


    and the table will look like this

    create table #TempTableOne
    DateChecked datetime,
    TableName nvarchar (50),
    OracleCount int
    MSSQLCount int,
    Status nvarchar (5)

    Joe's solution is almost what you want.  You just need to do an UPDATE instead of a SELECT.  Give it a try, and post back if you're still struggling.


  • Thanks so much to both of you. I took apart Joe's query to understand it and I made it work as John suggested.
    The only thing is that the row count that comes from the partitions, you need to choose indexes otherwise you get duplicated rows.
    and also I work with schemas therefore I need to take part of the table name I had on my table with the list.
    here is what i did.

    create table #TempTableOne


    DateChecked datetime default getdate(),

    TableName nvarchar (50),

    OracleCount int,

    MSSQLCount int,

    Status nvarchar (5)


    insert into #TempTableOne (TableName, OracleCount, MSSQLCount, Status)

    SELECT t.TableName, t.RecordCount as OracleCount, p.rows as MSSQLCount,

    case when t.RecordCount = p.rows then 'Pass' else 'Fail' end as [Status]

    FROM LoadCount t

    JOIN sys.tables t2 ON SUBSTRING(t.TableName, 5, 100)=t2.name



    SELECT object_id, Sum(rows) rows

    FROM sys.partitions

    where index_id = 0

    GROUP BY object_id

    ) p ON t2.object_id=p.object_id

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