doubt in writing a CTE query

  • In adventureworks database,If I need to find out the product that has highest sales for each month in year 2001..

    I have written the query like this:

    With CTE as


    Select ProductID,


    MONTH(OrderDate) as nameoftheMonth,

    SUM(OrderQty) OVER (Partition by productID) as TotalOrderQty,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition By MONTH(OrderDate) Order by OrderQty desc) as Rows

    From Sales.SalesOrderDetail A

    Inner join Sales.SalesOrderHeader B ON A.SalesOrderID = B.SalesOrderID

    Where YEAR(OrderDate)= 2001


    Select * from CTE

    Where Rows = 1

    Can anyone please tell me if it is correct?

  • t.mounika01 (9/5/2014)

    In adventureworks database,If I need to find out the product that has highest sales for each month in year 2001..

    I have written the query like this:

    With CTE as


    Select ProductID,


    MONTH(OrderDate) as nameoftheMonth,

    SUM(OrderQty) OVER (Partition by productID) as TotalOrderQty,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition By MONTH(OrderDate) Order by OrderQty desc) as Rows

    From Sales.SalesOrderDetail A

    Inner join Sales.SalesOrderHeader B ON A.SalesOrderID = B.SalesOrderID

    Where YEAR(OrderDate)= 2001


    Select * from CTE

    Where Rows = 1

    Can anyone please tell me if it is correct?

    Without having access to the sample database I can't tell, but my gut says it may not do what you want. Instead of asking if it is right, why not just run it and see if it returns the results you expect. if it doesn't, then it is wrong and you need to go back and fix it.

  • I'm sure that it won't return what you expect.

    You're ordering by the individual sales order detail and not the total of the month.

    You shouldn't be using functions on the columns in the where clause. That eliminates SARGability on your query (google it). You should use the correct interval. E.g.

    Where OrderDate >= '20010101'

    AND OrderDate < '20020101'

    And don't use keywords as column (or table) alias. In this case Rows.

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  • Please provide table structure and sample data for this....

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  • Depending on the expected result it can either be wrong or right:

    SUM(OrderQty) OVER (Partition by productID) as TotalOrderQty,

    will return the Quantity for the year 2001 per productID.

    But if you're looking for the monthly quantity you might want to use

    SUM(OrderQty) OVER (Partition by MONTH(OrderDate),productID) as TotalOrderQty,


    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition By MONTH(OrderDate) Order by OrderQty desc) as Rows

    will sort the [Rows] based on the highest single OrderQty in a given month, regardless of the product or any cumulated values.

    I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for...

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  • kapil_kk (9/7/2014)

    Please provide table structure and sample data for this....

    You'll find everything you need right here: adventureworks database

    That's why I did ask for anything even though I don't have the sample database on my laptop.

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