double check if file exists in S3 bucket directory

  • Hello,

    I did google this, and not sure if I am doing it right or maybe just missing one minor thing, I am just trying to verify if the file exists in S3, if so, great, if not, then... I will figure something out 😉

    for now I have the following code:

    $DBList = Invoke-SQLQuery -Query $GetDBList.ToString() -QueryParameters $QueryParams

    #Just a heads up, the $DBList just pulls 4 columns array:
    #Databasename, Database backup file that i trim to get from Database Path, What environment, and ServerName

    $s3Bucket = "S3"

    ForEach ($DB in $DBList)
    #Check which region will determin the bucket:
    if($DB.Environment -eq 'Prod'){
    $s3Bucket = 'S3-Prod'
    elseif($DB.Environment -eq 'Test')
    $s3Bucket = 'S3-Test'
    $s3Bucket = "S3-BlackHole"

    $s3Path = $DB.Environment + '/' + $DB.Servername + '/' + $DB.databasename + '/FULL'# + $DB.DBFileName

    if(Get-S3Object -BucketName $s3Bucket -Key $s3Path | where{$_.Key -eq $DB.DBFileName}){
    "File found " + $DB.DBFileName
    "File NOT found " + $DB.DBFileName


    for some reason, I double check and I know for sure the files are there in the S3 bucket, in the specific directory, however when i run this PowerShell script above, it doesn't work, not sure what i am doing wrong? if anyone can assist in this, it would be awesome.


    thanks in advance

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • got it working now,:

    this helped below.

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