Difference in method for updating statistics

  • Hi. First I am new to this so pardon if this is a dumb question.

    Trying to understand the difference between updating statistics using these two commands:



    EXEC sp_updatestats 'resample'

    I understand the first would do a full scan of the table and take more resources (right?) and the second would do a resampling; however, can you please explain when would it make sense to use one versus the other method?


  • You're correct.

    If you use UPDATE STATISTICS WITH FULLSCAN ALL you will update all statistics (column & index) for that particular table. Every row will be used for sampling.

    Using sp_updatestats 'resample' will only use the a sample of rows within the table. The resample figure (I believe) is a calculation based on number of rows and frequency of modifications.

    Sampling is generally fine to do and thats what a lot of my tables use. However, I have had cases where the query plan changes due to the sampling. Running a fullscan gets the original query plan back and actually reduced IO.

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