difference b\w transactional log backup

  • what is diff b\w tansactional log back up & transactional replication & transactonal log backup in logshipping

  • [font="Verdana"]Hi,

    Both are some what similar.. In simple transaction log backup will backup all transactions in all objects, where as in transactional replication it will collect the transactions related to the article that is published for replication and the carry to the distributor.[/font]

  • iam asking what is diff in transactional log file internally in log back up &l og shipping & transactional replication.there is no diff; then what is need to take log shipping & transactional replication. log back up is enough .please explain me detail

  • Mohini, Your Judgement is Correct. But what vidhya tried to Explain was:

    Transactional replication is based upon reading the transaction log of an originating server.

    Transactional replication is often used for high availability because it can deliver user transactions from a publisher database to a subscriber in matters of seconds.(Real Time)

    A log shipping replays transactions applied to it periodically from transaction log backups.

    Thus Transaction replication work with actual small transactions in real time and Transaction Log Backup works with nornmal backups as well as logshipping.

  • I Fully agree with Mani.



  • Hi

    The transaction backup is nothing but the back of transactions of all the objects in the database. This backup contains each and every modification of the records. Transactional replication is nothing but the transfer of articles from publisher or distributor to the subscriber. Transactional log backup in logshipping is you will schedule the backup of the transactional log for particular time and then restore the last transactional log backup to the database, to bring the database up in the standby server when the primary database is down.

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