Detach and Attach database move filegroup

  • Lynn Pettis (3/20/2010)

    There will be one small issue you may need to verify, any logins whose default database is MyDB (the one you are moving via detach/attach) will probably need fixing after you attech the database in its new location.


    What I did is i stored all the users and current default database in security login like seen below.

    NameDefault Database


    Meaning this is the only one issue that i need to address using this command

    EXEC sp_defaultdb 'myuser','mydb detach/attach'

    Am i correct?

    Next time I will be aware of this. Thanks for your big help.

  • arnold-491793 (3/20/2010)

    Paul White NZ (3/20/2010)

    Small point: sp_attach_db is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use CREATE DATABASE...FOR ATTACH instead.

    There is a good SSC article on this topic by MVP Jonathan Kehayias:

    Is this applicable also in SQL Server 2000? I will do this activity in SQL server 2000. Will I face any problem later on if I use detach and attach in SQL 2K server?

    No, it does not apply to SQL Server 2000. I had assumed a later version, on the basis of this thread being in the SQL Server 2008 area of the site 🙂

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