dbmail problems on SQL 2008 /SBS 2008 64bit

  • Hi, I'm neither a DBA nor a Sys Admin person, More a coder but I've been asked to move a database and other bits and pieces to a 2008 SBS platform (from Win2K). The box is being used as a database and web server and although I have most things sorted I'm having major problems with getting dbmail to work. I could put together a small .Net app to send mail as that seems ok but would rather use the tools that are built in. I do NOT want to use Exchange, it's overkill for the situation and The problem is that when I set up a profile and account, either using the wizard or using script suggestions I've found I consistently get the followig error:

    The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. Sending mail using Account 1(2009-06-18T21:39:02).Exception Message:Cannot send mails to mail server. (Failure sending mail).

    The SMTP server I'm sending to requires SSL and port 465, and I have no problem send mail if I use Thunderbird as a mail client on the box.

    Help!!!! please

  • please check using query,

    select * from msdb.dbo.sysmail_event_log .

    check output all result shows.

  • 1.Check with you AD team managing smtp server, to see if there is any restriction on any policy effecting you

    2.Check connectivity between the server & smtp server is persistant or not(you can do telnet and check if the port is open or not)

  • 1)sysmail_help_status_sp => check mail service status but you require sys admin role.

    2) if required start =>sysmail_start_sp

    3) alter database msdb set enable_broker.

    4) Assign user mapping to MSDB with DatabaseMailUSerRole

    5) add profile which contain account.

    6) Account require email address and SMTP server name and Port=25

    7) If sending mail in side domain then use Windows authetication.

    If you want send outside domain then use Basic authetication.

    8) Assign access Profile to Particular user.

    9) check test mail by right click Database mail => send test mail

    10) see Error log-right click database mail =>View database mail log

  • http://reddy25.blogspot.in/2013/05/how-to-send-database-mail-using-sql.html


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