• Can someone tell me why my statements are adding days instead of weekdays? The returns on all of the variables and subselects are int, I have tried several different options all of which parse and run but add day including Sat and Sun. I have tried month and year as well to test but still adding 'days' only

    set @sh_act_rfi_date = (select DATEADD(dw, (select sh_act_rfi_days from sh_procurement_days), @date_approved));

    set @sh_plan_rfi_date = (select DATEADD (dw, @sh_act_rfi_days, @date_approved));

    set @sh_act_bid_list_app_date = (select DATEADD (dw,(select sh_act_bid_list_app_days from sh_procurement_days), @sh_act_rfi_date));

    set @sh_act_proposal_issue_date = (select DATEADD (dw,SUM(@sh_act_bid_list_app_days+@sh_act_rfi_days+@sh_act_proposal_issue_days), @date_approved));

    Thank you!

  • kimberlyphillips01 (5/22/2011)

    Can someone tell me why my statements are adding days instead of weekdays? The returns on all of the variables and subselects are int, I have tried several different options all of which parse and run but add day including Sat and Sun. I have tried month and year as well to test but still adding 'days' only

    set @sh_act_rfi_date = (select DATEADD(dw, (select sh_act_rfi_days from sh_procurement_days), @date_approved));

    set @sh_plan_rfi_date = (select DATEADD (dw, @sh_act_rfi_days, @date_approved));

    set @sh_act_bid_list_app_date = (select DATEADD (dw,(select sh_act_bid_list_app_days from sh_procurement_days), @sh_act_rfi_date));

    set @sh_act_proposal_issue_date = (select DATEADD (dw,SUM(@sh_act_bid_list_app_days+@sh_act_rfi_days+@sh_act_proposal_issue_days), @date_approved));

    Thank you!

    dw,dayofyear, and day return the same value. If I understand your objective correctly, you were trying to add #of business days instead of #of days. The following might help to achieve your goal:

    select @sh_act_rfi_date = DATEADD(day,CONVERT(INT,sh_act_rfi_days/5)*7 + sh_act_rfi_days%5, @date_approved) from sh_procurement_days

  • Thank you for the reply, I greatly appreciate it. Your solution parses and executes but returns no date at all. any additional ideas?

  • kimberlyphillips01 (5/22/2011)

    Thank you for the reply, I greatly appreciate it. Your solution parses and executes but returns no date at all. any additional ideas?

    Please check your statement can actually return a sh_act_rfi_days value before doing the calculation. I suspect it's a problem with the sh_act_rfi_days value. You may try replace the variables with some static figures and test the results.

  • This is my set statement on the rfi days, it is as basic as it gets and works adding all days perfectly.

    set @sh_act_rfi_days = (select sh_act_rfi_days from sh_procurement_days);

    Maybe I am not inserting your solution correctly. I tried it several ways including alone but I need to set the variable and came up with the following

    set @sh_act_rfi_date = (select DATEADD(day,CONVERT(INT,sh_act_rfi_days/5)*7 + sh_act_rfi_days%5, @date_approved) from sh_procurement_days);

    Thanks again for the help

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