Database Properties dialog will not display

  • I'm getting the following message when I try to look at the database properties of an new database populated from a backup file created in SQL7. Messages indicated that the data was convert during the reload and I ran sp_updatestats afterwards. The database originally was SQL6.0, upgraded to SQL6.5 and the to SQL7. Each step was done by loading a fresh database backup (full). The SQL7 load occured approx 4 years ago.


    Cannot show requested dialog (SQLmgmt)

    Database properties cannot be set or viewed for database in 6.0 or 6.5 compatability mode.

    It appears that the data loaded ok as I ran several querys against different tables.

    How do I fix this problem or change the compatability mode???? 

  • Try this...

    A. Changing the compatibility level to SQL Server 7.0

    The following example changes the compatibility level of the AdventureWorks database to 70.

    EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel AdventureWorks, 70



    60 = SQL Server 6.0

    65 = SQL Server 6.5

    70 = SQL Server 7.0

    80 = SQL Server 2000

    90 = SQL Server 2005


  • Thanks Michelle ...your recommedation was right on the money. 

  • Hello ,

    I am getting the same problem in SQLserver2005 and this is a new database/Installation. I have three instances and all other instances are working fine,but one of the instnace depicting this error when I click on a database and click on properties. Any idea.

    Thanks much

  • I followed michelle advice and everything worked fine for me.

    You said that this is a new database? I'm assuming you created the database on SQLserver2005 but if you populated the database from a backup themn the compatibility level would get changed to the original version.

    I can only suggest that you check the compatibility level again. Keep in mind that the management studios backward looking ability is only 1 version so if the database is a 7.0 version your out of luck.

    I have no other ideas.

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