Data Dump Bloat

  • What would cause a 68 megabyte database to explode to almost 10 times that size when the data is dumped from one database to its replica using the import/export data DTS package?

  • You said db growth 10 times but you didn't mentioned which file data/log grew?

    Your db might be in FULL recovery mode...

    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • The problem was that the transaction logs were never truncated, so they were gigantic.  Thanks

  • Jim,

    In addition to backing up the transaction logs on a regular basis, you may also may want to make sure you are your running DBCC maintenance statements on regularly.  If you are already backing up the logs and performing regular maintenance, maybe you can increase the frequency. 

    Also, if your DTS package is deleting rows from a table using DELETE FROM statments, consider using TRUNCATE TABLE instead.  This will delete all rows from a table without logging the individual row deletes.


  • Means you guys are not interested for point in time recovery... then it advisable to change the recovery model to SIMPLE.


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

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