Data Collection - Query Statistic History

  • Hi all

    I need to undestand if what i see on my instance is normal.

    I enabled the Data Collection in SQL 2008 and when i look for the history of the queries I only see the 10 most expensive queries, which is fine but those queries are :


    SELECT s.schedule_id,

    'schedule_name' = name,













    'schedule_description' = FORMATMESSAGE(14549),




    INTO #temp_jobschedule

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules AS js

    JOIN msdb.dbo.sysschedules AS s

    ON js.schedule_id = s.schedule_id

    WHERE ((@job_id IS NULL) OR (js.job_id = @job_id))

    AND ((@schedule_name IS NULL) OR ( = @schedule_name))

    AND ((@schedule_id IS NULL) OR (s.schedule_id = @schedule_id))


    SELECT @job_name = name,

    @owner_sid = owner_sid

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view

    WHERE (job_id = @job_id)


    SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysjobschedules WHERE sysjobschedules.schedule_id = #temp_jobschedule.schedule_id) as 'job_count'

    FROM #temp_jobschedule

    ORDER BY schedule_id

    CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHY I DO NOT SEE USERS QUERIES? or the APPLICATION QUERIES? Even if i try to look for them in the database where the collection store all its data....they are not there....IS THIS NIRMAL????

  • From what I see in your query, you are looking at Jobs.

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules AS js

    JOIN msdb.dbo.sysschedules AS s

    Both of them are for Jobs. Thats why you are looking in the MSDB Database. The User queries and application qieries are not stored in these objects

    Check the DMV sys.dm_exec_requests dynamic management view and see if that helps


  • Hi Roy maybe you did not get the question....

    Basically in SQL 2008 we have a new functionality called DATA COLLECTION.

    When that is enabled the SQL SERVER take a sample every 30 sec (in my case) and see the most expensive queries in term of duration, CPU, physical reads.....etc....etc....

    in that i see only queries i posted....I was asking if other people experience the same......

    also the most expensive queries are not the same as per SQL Dashboard (reports you can download from microsoft)....

    anybody any idea....

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