Copying system DB's to a new server

  • to recreate, do i need to delete the user from all the databases user entries first?

  • malachyrafferty (4/23/2010)

    to recreate, do i need to delete the user from all the databases user entries first?

    No, leave the database users alone, the provided script will 'match up' the sql login to the database user. With the same settings as before (including password).

    Why don't you try it out on a test sql instance first? That way you can see what will happen... very straightforward.

  • cheers shabba, will give it a try now

  • error:

    Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_help_revlogin_2000_to_2005, Line 19

    Invalid object name 'master.dbo.sysxlogins'.

  • ok, i now have the 2005 - 2005 script!

  • So your moving between SQL 2005 instances? My fault I attached the SQL 2000 ---> SQL 2005 script... The script below is what you need.

    --To transfer the logins and the passwords from the instance of SQL Server on server A to the instance of SQL Server on server B, follow these steps:

    --1. On server A, start SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the instance of SQL Server from which you moved the database.

    --2. Open a new Query Editor window, and then run the following script.

    USE master


    IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_hexadecimal') IS NOT NULL

    DROP PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal


    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal

    @binvalue varbinary(256),

    @hexvalue varchar (514) OUTPUT


    DECLARE @charvalue varchar (514)

    DECLARE @i int

    DECLARE @length int

    DECLARE @hexstring char(16)

    SELECT @charvalue = '0x'

    SELECT @i = 1

    SELECT @length = DATALENGTH (@binvalue)

    SELECT @hexstring = '0123456789ABCDEF'

    WHILE (@i <= @length)


    DECLARE @tempint int

    DECLARE @firstint int

    DECLARE @secondint int

    SELECT @tempint = CONVERT(int, SUBSTRING(@binvalue,@i,1))

    SELECT @firstint = FLOOR(@tempint/16)

    SELECT @secondint = @tempint - (@firstint*16)

    SELECT @charvalue = @charvalue +

    SUBSTRING(@hexstring, @firstint+1, 1) +

    SUBSTRING(@hexstring, @secondint+1, 1)

    SELECT @i = @i + 1


    SELECT @hexvalue = @charvalue


    IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_help_revlogin') IS NOT NULL

    DROP PROCEDURE sp_help_revlogin


    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_help_revlogin @login_name sysname = NULL AS

    DECLARE @name sysname

    DECLARE @type varchar (1)

    DECLARE @hasaccess int

    DECLARE @denylogin int

    DECLARE @is_disabled int

    DECLARE @PWD_varbinary varbinary (256)

    DECLARE @PWD_string varchar (514)

    DECLARE @SID_varbinary varbinary (85)

    DECLARE @SID_string varchar (514)

    DECLARE @tmpstr varchar (1024)

    DECLARE @is_policy_checked varchar (3)

    DECLARE @is_expiration_checked varchar (3)

    DECLARE @defaultdb sysname

    IF (@login_name IS NULL)

    DECLARE login_curs CURSOR FOR

    SELECT p.sid,, p.type, p.is_disabled, p.default_database_name, l.hasaccess, l.denylogin FROM

    sys.server_principals p LEFT JOIN sys.syslogins l

    ON ( = ) WHERE p.type IN ( 'S', 'G', 'U' ) AND <> 'sa'


    DECLARE login_curs CURSOR FOR

    SELECT p.sid,, p.type, p.is_disabled, p.default_database_name, l.hasaccess, l.denylogin FROM

    sys.server_principals p LEFT JOIN sys.syslogins l

    ON ( = ) WHERE p.type IN ( 'S', 'G', 'U' ) AND = @login_name

    OPEN login_curs

    FETCH NEXT FROM login_curs INTO @SID_varbinary, @name, @type, @is_disabled, @defaultdb, @hasaccess, @denylogin

    IF (@@fetch_status = -1)


    PRINT 'No login(s) found.'

    CLOSE login_curs

    DEALLOCATE login_curs

    RETURN -1


    SET @tmpstr = '/* sp_help_revlogin script '

    PRINT @tmpstr

    SET @tmpstr = '** Generated ' + CONVERT (varchar, GETDATE()) + ' on ' + @@SERVERNAME + ' */'

    PRINT @tmpstr

    PRINT ''

    WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)


    IF (@@fetch_status <> -2)


    PRINT ''

    SET @tmpstr = '-- Login: ' + @name

    PRINT @tmpstr

    IF (@type IN ( 'G', 'U'))

    BEGIN -- NT authenticated account/group

    SET @tmpstr = 'CREATE LOGIN ' + QUOTENAME( @name ) + ' FROM WINDOWS WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE = [' + @defaultdb + ']'


    ELSE BEGIN -- SQL Server authentication

    -- obtain password and sid

    SET @PWD_varbinary = CAST( LOGINPROPERTY( @name, 'PasswordHash' ) AS varbinary (256) )

    EXEC sp_hexadecimal @PWD_varbinary, @PWD_string OUT

    EXEC sp_hexadecimal @SID_varbinary,@SID_string OUT

    -- obtain password policy state

    SELECT @is_policy_checked = CASE is_policy_checked WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' ELSE NULL END FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE name = @name

    SELECT @is_expiration_checked = CASE is_expiration_checked WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' ELSE NULL END FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE name = @name

    SET @tmpstr = 'CREATE LOGIN ' + QUOTENAME( @name ) + ' WITH PASSWORD = ' + @PWD_string + ' HASHED, SID = ' + @SID_string + ', DEFAULT_DATABASE = [' + @defaultdb + ']'

    IF ( @is_policy_checked IS NOT NULL )


    SET @tmpstr = @tmpstr + ', CHECK_POLICY = ' + @is_policy_checked


    IF ( @is_expiration_checked IS NOT NULL )


    SET @tmpstr = @tmpstr + ', CHECK_EXPIRATION = ' + @is_expiration_checked



    IF (@denylogin = 1)

    BEGIN -- login is denied access

    SET @tmpstr = @tmpstr + '; DENY CONNECT SQL TO ' + QUOTENAME( @name )


    ELSE IF (@hasaccess = 0)

    BEGIN -- login exists but does not have access

    SET @tmpstr = @tmpstr + '; REVOKE CONNECT SQL TO ' + QUOTENAME( @name )


    IF (@is_disabled = 1)

    BEGIN -- login is disabled

    SET @tmpstr = @tmpstr + '; ALTER LOGIN ' + QUOTENAME( @name ) + ' DISABLE'


    PRINT @tmpstr


    FETCH NEXT FROM login_curs INTO @SID_varbinary, @name, @type, @is_disabled, @defaultdb, @hasaccess, @denylogin


    CLOSE login_curs

    DEALLOCATE login_curs

    RETURN 0


    --Note This script creates two stored procedures in the master database.

    --The two stored procedures are named the sp_hexadecimal stored procedure and the sp_help_revlogin stored procedure.

    --3. Run the following statement.

    EXEC sp_help_revlogin

    --The output script that is generated by the sp_help_revlogin stored procedure is the login script.

    --This login script creates the logins that have the original Security Identifier (SID) and the original password.

    --4. On server B, start SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the instance of SQL Server to which you moved the database.

    --Important Before you go to step 5, review the following information.

    --Review the following information before you run the output script on the instance on server B:

    --Review the output script carefully. If server A and server B are in different domains, you have to modify the output script.

    --Then, you have to replace the original domain name with the new domain name in the CREATE LOGIN statements. The integrated logins

    --that are granted access in the new domain do not have the same SID as the logins in the original domain.

    --Therefore, the users are orphaned from these logins. For more information about how to resolve these orphaned users,

    --click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 240872 (

    --How to resolve permission issues when you move a database between servers that are running SQL Server

    --If server A and server B are in the same domain, the same SID is used. Therefore, the users are not likely to be orphaned.

    --In the output script, the logins are created by using the encrypted password. This is because of the HASHED argument in the CREATE LOGIN statement.

    --This argument specifies that the password that is entered after the PASSWORD argument is already hashed.

    --By default, only a member of the sysadmin fixed server role can run a SELECT statement from the sys.server_principals view.

    --Unless a member of the sysadmin fixed server role grants the necessary permissions to the users, the users cannot create or run the output script.

    --The steps in this article do not transfer the default database information for a particular login.

    --This is because the default database may not always exist on server B. To define the default database for a login, use the ALTER LOGIN

    --statement by passing in the login name and the default database as arguments. The sort order of server A may be case insensitive, and

    --the sort order of server B may be case sensitive. In this case, the users must type all the letters in the passwords as uppercase letters

    --after you transfer the logins and the passwords to the instance on server B. Alternatively, the sort order of server A may be case sensitive,

    --and the sort order of server B may be case insensitive. In this case, the users cannot log in by using the logins and the passwords that

    --you transfer to the instance on server B unless one of the following conditions is true:• The original passwords contain no letters.

    --All the letters in the original passwords are uppercase letters. The sort order of both server A and server B may be case sensitive,

    --or the sort order of both server A and server B may be case insensitive. In these cases, the users do not experience a problem.

    --A login that already is in the instance on server B may have a name that is the same as a name in the output script. In this case,

    --you receive the following error message when you run the output script on the instance on server B: Msg 15025, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    --The server principal 'MyLogin' already exists. Similarly, a login that already is in the instance on server B may have a SID that is

    --the same as a SID in the output script. In this case, you receive the following error message when you run the output script on the

    --instance on server B: Msg 15433, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Supplied parameter sid is in use. Therefore, you must do the following:

    --A. Review the output script carefully.

    --B. Examine the contents of the sys.server_principals view in the instance on server B.

    --C. Address these error messages accordingly.

    --In SQL Server 2005, the SID for a login is used as the basis for implementing database-level access.

    --A login may have two different SIDs in two different databases on a server. In this case, the login can only access the database

    --that has the SID that matches the SID in the sys.server_principals view. This problem may occur if the two databases are consolidated

    --from two different servers. To resolve this problem, manually remove the login from the database that has a SID mismatch by using the

    --DROP USER statement. Then, add the login again by using the CREATE USER statement.

    --5. Open a new Query Editor window, and then run the output script that is generated in step 3.

  • just before i do (overly cautious again)

    this will not make any changes to the live system? - just produces a script that i can run on test and recreate the logins

  • Yes, that's right.

  • Excellant!

    works a treat!

    cheers Shabba

  • fantastic... told you it was easy! 😉

    Have fun

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