Copy Database Wizard - WinXP, SQL2000

  • I have no problem when copying database from SQLServer 7.0 (on NT4) to SQL2000 (on WIn2000 Server).

    When I repeat the same procedure using Copy Database wizard coming with SQL2000 from WinNT4 to Windows XP Professional, I was unable to do so. The error message shows :

    Error Code: 5

    Error Category: 0

    Source: (Null)

    Description: (Null)

    I wasn't able to make a copy from SQL2000 (on Win2k server) to SQL2000 (on WinXP Pro) either.

    Please help me on how to explain the error code and what's wrong in my steps; or please confirm that this is not possible in WinXP pro.

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    S. Shen

  • I dont have XP on a machine here to test with. I dont see why it shouldnt work. Basically it detaches, copies, attaches. Check the event log to see if anything noted there. You can also profile both servers to see where it stops processing. I haven't checked MSDN, worth doing.


  • Odd and I cannot find anything on this. Are there any more error details. Also, since you have a SQL2000 copy of the database a sure fire workaround should be backup the database, copy backup to xp machine and restore. Or detach and copy the files to the xp machine then reattach back to 2000 machine and attach copy to XP machine.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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