Copy database from SQL SERVER 2005

  • Hi,

    I have SQL SERVER 2000 and SQL SERVER 2005 installed on my machine. I am doing some development work which uses SQL SERVER 2005.

    What happened was I wanted to make a copy of the database from the server to my local machine for development purposes (using the Tasks/Copy Database Wizard) and I get the following warning 'The destination SQL Server must be SQL Server 2005'

    How should I set the default SQL Server on my machine to SQL SERVER 2005?

    Would appreciate any help.

  • As far I know you cannot copy DB between sql2k and sql2005 with the Copy Database Wizard. Make a backup of your DB on sql2k and restore it on your machine. Remenber that logins are not included in the backup. An another approch is to script the database, however you will not get the data.



  • You can use the wizard to copy the databases, here is an article on MS's site that tells what needs to be done.

    You'll have to make sure that your pointing your destination database to the 2005 instance, not the 2000 instance (or if you're not using instances, turn off the 2000 server and start the 2005 server).

    The other way would be to backup the database in production, then using SQL Management Studio to restore the database backup file to your local copy of SQL 2005.  Make sure you're connected to the 2005 version of SQL Server before you begin, because I don't believe you can restore the 2005 database to a 2000 server.


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