conversion from Excel format date to sql date functon

  • I have create_date stored in sql server table in excel format with function =DATE(1980,1,1+A1-722815). I need to convert this into normal date format using sql function. Can anyone suggest?

    Example: date value 737060 to 1/1/2019

  • how does date value 737060 to 1/1/2019 ?   Are you storing in Excel or SQL Server?  What is the datatype in SQL Server? Why are you doing this?

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  • No excel here. sqlserver integer value to normal date and normal date to integer conversion. that integer value is stored in sql server table. I can able to convert using following function:
    select dateadd(d,[date]-722815,'1980-1-1')

    but, now i need to write a function to convert back to integer to insert the int value for new dates.

  • I don't know how or what [date] is in your query, but these 2 fail. Can you provide sample date that works

    select dateadd(d,getdate()-722815,'1980-1-1')
    select dateadd(d,cast(getdate() as date) -722815,'1980-1-1')

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  • i got the answer both convert back and forth. Here is the example: 
    select dateadd(d,737060 -722815,'1980-1-1')
    select datediff(d, 0, '2019-01-01') + 693596
    Thanks for trying to answer.

  • saptek9 - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:39 PM

    No excel here. sqlserver integer value to normal date and normal date to integer conversion. that integer value is stored in sql server table. I can able to convert using following function:
    select dateadd(d,[date]-722815,'1980-1-1')

    but, now i need to write a function to convert back to integer to insert the int value for new dates.

    Is this what you are looking for?

    Declare @excelSeed date = '1980-01-01'
          , @excelDateOffset int = 722815;

    Select dateadd(day, 737060 - @excelDateOffset, @excelSeed)
          , datediff(day, @excelSeed, '2019-01-01') + @excelDateOffset;

    You don't really need a function - you just need the calculation.  You could create a computed column so you always have that value available...

         If object_id('tempdb..#myTable', 'U') Is Not Null
            Drop Table #myTable;

    Create Table #myTable (
            create_date date
          , excel_int_date As datediff(day, '1980-01-01', create_date) + 722815

    Insert Into #myTable
    Values ('1990-01-01')
          , ('2019-01-01');

    Select *
       From #myTable mt;

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