Connecting to Oracle from SQL Server

  • I am needing some help if anyone has a moment and could give advice. I have a SQL 2008R2 database where I do reporting. One of the systems is moving to an Oracle environment in the "cloud". The vendor said they would give me all the info to connect ("a MIP, Username, Password, and SID to connect to"). They said I could connect via JDBC using something like this:

    I downloaded this tool, but I am not quite sure how I could use something like this to actually get the data in one of my SQL Server tables.

    I know its probably an elementary problem, but I've just never worked with this. I've been searching around and reading articles and I am stuck. Would someone mind giving me advice on this?

  • You will be needing the connect information for a linked server configuration.

    In-house it would be through OracleOleDb and an Oracle Client on the MS SQL Server.

  • If I'm not mistaken, SQL Developer allows you to export the tables via CREATE and INSERT statements. I believe there's also a tool in there that can move data from MSSQL to Oracle, but I don't know if it works the other way around.

    A linked server is one option, but you might also want to consider creating something in SSIS. If you have the enterprise or developer version, there are special connectors you can use to connect to Oracle.

    Otherwise, you'll have to use OleDB or ODBC.

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