Conditional DTS Package Execution

  • I need to update a dimension during Business hours while minimizing the impact on my Users. I'm thinking the best way to do this is to define two dimension tables with a single view on top. While one physical table is loading during the day the other is being used by the view. When the load is done, I redefine the view using the updated table. The dimension is unavailable only for the time it takes to execute the SQL redefining the view. Every day I alternate physical tables while redefining the view daily. I would like to define some kind of conditional logic that would automatically alternate the execution of a package possibly one package calling two others depending on the value of a global variable? I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on how I could accomplish the conditional execution of a package or any other ideas. Thanks

  • You could let one package call another conditionally based on a global variable. The dynamic properties task can handle this and change the name of hte package to execute based on a global variable, query, etc.

    Steve Jones

  • This sound similar to something we do that could work for you. We have DTS packages that create a table with _new on the end and then pump the new data into that table. Upon completion we use sp_rename within a begin and commit transaction to rename the current table with _old and rename the table with _new to the normal table name. This way access to data is interupted for only about a second or less. And during the import access to the data is only slightly slower than normal.

    Robert Marda

    Robert W. Marda
    Billing and OSS Specialist - SQL Programmer
    MCL Systems

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