Complete Index Detail

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Complete Index Detail

  • Script produces bugs:

    Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_spaceused, Line 62

    The object 't_DispCSV' does not exist in database 'EPCentral' or is invalid for this operation.

    Even though script has only 58 lines, it shows an error at line 62. Tried to comment it but no luck.

    Tried to comment just EXEC sp_spaceused @strTableName, but received two empty result sets.

    Is this I am doing something wrong or this script was not tested for all circumstances?

  • hi

    in the line

    SET @strTableName = 't_DispCSV'

    you should put the name of the table you want to analyze

    SET @strTableName = 'TableNameToAnalyze'

  • Thank you for the script. It's a really quick way to look at a table. Sometime, unfortunately, I am tuning "on the fly" and this will help.

    Thanks again.

  • You are wellcome

    I have a few others that works in the tuning department

  • This is a really good script for a quick overview of the desired table and its indexes. One addition that needs to be made though is to account for the schema. In my case, I have my staging tables and business model tables in the same database. The table names are the same, but the schema controls which tables are used for the ETL processes in SSIS. Because of the schemas not being accounted for, your original version of the script brings up both schemas and the associated data for a given table name. I have modified the script to account for schema name and offer it back to you for review and correction of any mistakes I may have made. It works in my testing so far:

    DECLARE @strtablename AS VARCHAR (50);

    DECLARE @strschemaname AS VARCHAR (50);

    SET @strtablename = 'tablename'; -- insert your desired table name here

    SET @strschemaname = 'dbo'; -- change the schema name to whatever is appropriate if other than dbo

    EXEC sp_spaceused @strtablename;



    SELECT ic.[index_id] + ic.[object_id] AS [IndexId]

    , t.[name] AS [TableName]

    , s.[name] AS [SchemaName]

    , i.[name] AS [IndexName]

    , c.[name] AS [ColumnName]

    , i.[type_desc]

    , i.[is_primary_key]

    , i.[is_unique]

    , ic.is_included_column

    , ic.[index_id]

    , ic.[object_id]

    FROM [sys].[indexes] AS i

    INNER JOIN [sys].[index_columns] AS ic ON i.[index_id] = ic.[index_id]

    AND i.[object_id] = ic.[object_id]

    INNER JOIN [sys].[columns] AS c ON ic.[column_id] = c.[column_id]

    AND i.[object_id] = c.[object_id]

    INNER JOIN [sys].[tables] AS t ON i.[object_id] = t.[object_id]

    INNER JOIN [sys].[schemas] AS s ON s.[schema_id] = t.[schema_id]


    SELECT c.[TableName]

    , c.[IndexName]

    , c.[type_desc]

    , c.[is_primary_key]

    , c.[is_unique]

    , STUFF ( ( SELECT ',' + a.[ColumnName]


    WHERE a.is_included_column = 0

    AND c.[IndexId] = a.[IndexId]

    FOR XML PATH ('') )

    , 1

    , 1

    , '' ) AS [Columns]

    , STUFF ( ( SELECT ',' + a.[ColumnName]


    WHERE a.is_included_column = 1

    AND c.[IndexId] = a.[IndexId]

    FOR XML PATH ('') )

    , 1

    , 1

    , '' ) AS [IncludedColumns]

    , 'drop index [' + c.[IndexName] + '] on ' + c.[TableName] AS DropStatment


    WHERE c.[TableName] = @strtablename

    AND c.[SchemaName] = @strschemaname

    GROUP BY c.[IndexId]

    , c.[TableName]

    , c.[IndexName]

    , c.[type_desc]

    , c.[is_primary_key]

    , c.[is_unique]

    ORDER BY c.[TableName]

    , c.[IndexName];


    , ind.NAME AS IndexName


    , istats.index_id ) AS statistics_update_date

    , user_seeks

    , user_scans

    , user_lookups

    , user_updates

    , (istats.user_seeks + istats.user_scans + istats.user_lookups) * 100.00 / (user_updates + 1)AS UseVsUpdate

    , COALESCE ( CAST ( 100 * (istats.user_seeks + istats.user_scans + istats.user_lookups) / (NULLIF (

    SUM ( istats.user_seeks +

    istats.user_scans +

    istats.user_lookups )

    OVER (

    PARTITION BY ind.object_id)

    , 0 ) * 1.)AS DECIMAL ( 6, 2 ))

    , 0 ) AS user_total_pct

    , CAST ( reserved_page_count * CAST ( 8 AS FLOAT ) / 1024 AS DECIMAL ( 12, 2 )) AS size_in_mb

    , row_count

    , 'drop index [' + ind.NAME + '] on ' + OBJECT_NAME (ind.OBJECT_ID) AS DropStatment

    , ind.OBJECT_ID

    , ind.index_id

    , ind.*

    FROM sys.indexes AS ind

    INNER JOIN sys.tables AS t ON t.object_id = ind.object_id

    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats AS istats ON ind.index_id = istats.index_id

    AND ind.OBJECT_ID = istats.OBJECT_ID

    AND istats.database_id = DB_ID ( )

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_partition_stats AS part ON ind.index_id = part.index_id

    AND ind.OBJECT_ID = part.OBJECT_ID

    WHERE = @strtablename

    AND = @strschemaname


    , ind.NAME;

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