Collation issue

  • We have to migrate some databases to a new server.

    Originally the old server is using server collation Latin1_General_CI_AS.

    and hence the databases created on that using the same collation Latin1_General_CI_AS.

    Now we want to new server to be collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, since it will future host some additional  vendor product.

    Is it going to be an issue with the database I moved from older server to the new server?

    When I move the database over, I am sure it will still keep the old collation, unless I use import data method to recreate, which I don't want to do that.



  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Collation is stored at DB level so when you restore your DB into the new server the collation will remain the same. You could look at altering the collation after you have restored the DB, something like this, obviously ensure you TEST before you put into production.


    Change the DB collation then run

    SELECT concat
    ('ALTER TABLE ', t1.TABLE_SCHEMA, '.', t1.table_name, ' MODIFY ', t1.column_name, ' ', t1.data_type, '(' , CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, ')',' CHARACTER SET SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS;' )
    information_schema.columns t1
    t1.COLLATION_NAME NOT IN ('SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS');



    ***The first step is always the hardest *******

  • where you may find some issues is on queries that do cross database queries or those that create temp tables.

    Mainly the temp tables will have collation conflicts unless the queries handle that with collate compares.


    If the only reason to change server collation talk with your guys and see if you should force the vendor to do their code accordingly (e.g. have their db on SQL... but have their code behave correctly if the Instance and tempdb are on a different collation) or if your company has to bend and follow their collation for the whole server.

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