COALESCE question

  • I have the following:

    SELECT [Date], uShiftID, Case_Code, SUM(coalesce(Case_Count,0)) AS Case_Count, SUM(Case_Sched) AS Case_Sched, Product

    FROM dbo.vw_Daily_CaseCounts AS dcc

    WHERE dcc.[date]>='9/23/2009'

    GROUP BY [date], uShiftID, Case_Code, Product

    The data is still returning NULL when Case_Count is NULL and I thought this would return 0? Is there some syntax error that I am missing?


  • Actually, I got it. The query in my post is a sub-select statement. I put the coalesce in the main select and it works.

  • SUM(coalesce(Case_Count,0)) ...should return 0 when Case_Count IS NULL. I would try it on a narrow result set without the other aggregate and without the other attributes.

  • SSSolice (9/23/2009)

    SUM(coalesce(Case_Count,0)) ...should return 0 when Case_Count IS NULL. I would try it on a narrow result set without the other aggregate and without the other attributes.

    This is true so long as there is a row that matches his criteria. If you're doing the sum of a nullable column and you have joins/criteria etc. that could leave you in a situation of having no rows to sum, you need to wrap the sum in a coalesce as well.

    IE. COALESCE(SUM(COALESCE(Case_Count,0)),0)

    The inner coalesce handles any individual case_counts that are null, the outer one handles not having any case_counts to sum in the first place.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

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