Character Sets and Sort Order

  • Please excuse my ignorance, but i'm new to the world of MSSQL.

    I have a question related to the Character set and Sort orders of databases created under MSSQL 7.

    When you install SQL 7, you define both the character sets and sort orders. Does this apply to every database you create?

    Does SQL 7 only contain databases which use the character set and sort order defined at installation?

    Is it possible to have a mixed of databases running different character sets and sort orders on a single SQL 7 Server?

    Thank you in advance for your time and patients

  • This will apply to each and every database in 7.0. The only way to change it after installation is to rebuild the master. Another problem is you can't restore a database from a server that has a different sort order. In SS 2000, this has changed. You can change the collation at the column, database level. You also have a server level default. Hope this helps!

    Brian Knight

  • Thanks for your help, i had horrible feeling that was going to be the case.

  • If you're trying to restore a database from a different sort order onto a 7.0 box, you may want to install a SQL 7 box in parallel with that sort order then DTS the data into the target server. Just a workaround

    Brian Knight

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