Changing password of service account causes random domain users to not be able to connect to SQL Server

  • Wondering if anyone has ever experienced this issue.

    We change the password of the accounts that run the services of  MSSQLSERVER and SQLAgent and but do NOT restart the services or server right away.  After that some users can connect and some users cannot connect using domain accounts to connect to SQL Server until we restart the server.  (unfortunately I don't remember the error in attempting to connect to SQL Server). The security team used a product called CA PAM to push the password change to the services. 

    In the past we had been able to change the password for the service accounts and not cause any issues.  Has anyone seen this before?

  • Hi,
    do you use  single windows logins, or windows group logins on the sql server?
    Best regards,

  • Single windows logins.

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