Change tracking without snapshot isolation?

  • Hi,

    we are going to use change tracking feature in order to track changes in some tables. Microsoft strongly recommends to use snapshot IL in the code that will be querying the changes. Initially I was going to use snapshot IL, however prod DBA have serious concerns about increased load on tempdb because of row versioning, so most likely we will not be using snapshot IL. I am wondering about possible drawbacks of not using snapshot IL. Here is a simplified version of a stored procedure that we are going to use:

    create procedure dbo.GetChanges

    @pLastSyncVersion bigint,

    @pCurrentSyncVersion bigint OUTPUT


    --set transaction isolation level snapshot;

    begin try

    if @pLastSyncVersion < CHANGE_TRACKING_MIN_VALID_VERSION(object_id('dbo.SomeTable'))


    raiserror('Provided change tracking version is outside of the retention period',16,1)


    begin transaction;

    set @pCurrentSyncVersion = CHANGE_TRACKING_CURRENT_VERSION();








    from CHANGETABLE(changes dbo.SomeTable, @pLastSyncVersion) ct

    left join dbo.SomeTable i

    on ct.InvoiceID = i.InvoiceID

    commit transaction;

    return 0;

    end try

    begin catch


    end catch

    Retention period for change tracking would be default 2 days, stored procedure is supposed to be called by windows service ~ every 5 minutes. In this scenario what are the possible issues that we may face without using snapshot IL?


  • Did you ever get a response to your initial question?  I'm in the same position and really don't want to enable Snapshot Isolation if I don't have to.


    Kurt W. Zimmerman
    SR DBA
    Lefrak Organization
    New York, NY

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