Change in port number of SQL Server Browser Service(SQL 2005) and SSRP (SQL 2000)

  • Hi,

    I have a query regarding SQL Server Browser Service(SQL 2005) and SSRP (SQL 2000).

    Ques: Can we the change UDP port number for SQL Server Browser Service (in SQL 2005) and SSRP (in SQL 2000) which is 1434 by default? If yes, then how?

    Any help in this regard is welcomed.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hello,

    I don’t know of any way of changing the port of the SQL Server Browser Service from 1434, but I am wondering why you would want to anyway?

    Your post just made me think that you might be having problems running SQL 2000 and 2005 side-by-side?


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • No, I am not running SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 side by side. Actually, when we make a jdbc connection to a named intance of SQL 2005 with following connection string :

    jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;instanceName= namedsqlserver;databaseName=master;

    it first goes to SQL Server Browser whose service should be running at that moment and then the browser looks for the port number of thiis instance and connection is made to it using its port number.

    So, I just want to know that can we change the port of SQL Server Browser from 1434. If yes, then how can it be changed and how can we make jdbc connection to named instance in that scenario?

    Pls help.

  • SQL Browser provides a Well Known Service (WKS) and clients expect it to be in a particular location.

    If you wish to remove the Browser service (please do, it's awful, cumbersome, decreases security and causes connection timeouts) then set your instance on a static port and in your connection string specify the port number.

    Andrew Hatfield

  • Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for the help.

    By 'particular location' , do you mean clients expect WKS or SQL Server Browser service to be on port 1434 and they will not be able to connect to named instance if this port number is changed and we use only instancename(not the port of named instance) in the jdbc connection string ?

    Pls confirm.

  • Hello again,

    If you are connecting to a Named Instance of SQL 2005 and the SQL Browser is not running then you must supply the Port Number of the Named Instance in your connection string.

    As mentioned before, you can’t change the Port Number of the Browser Service, but you can change the Port Number of your Named Instance, if you want (via the SQL Server Configuration Manager).

    What is the underlying issue that you are trying to solve?


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • shivani.suri2 (5/15/2009)

    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for the help.

    By 'particular location' , do you mean clients expect WKS or SQL Server Browser service to be on port 1434 and they will not be able to connect to named instance if this port number is changed and we use only instancename(not the port of named instance) in the jdbc connection string ?

    Pls confirm.

    The particular location I am referring to is port 1434/tcp. That is what I mean by a Well Known Service.

    If you are running one (named or unnamed default) instance, then you do not need the Browser service. If you are running more than one instance, then unless you include the port number in your connection string, you will need the Browser to perform redirections for clients.

    Better to drop the Browser service altogether and include the port number in your connection strings.

    Even if you do keep the Browser service running, it is highly recommended to set static tcp ports for your instances. That way you always know where they are and you can set SPNs and use kerberos. Check out the Microsoft Best Practices - SQL Server 2005 Security document for more information. You can find it here -->

    Andrew Hatfield

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