CDC capture job issue

  • CDC capture job is failing with below error...any suggestions to fix it.

    The Log-Scan Process failed to construct a replicated command from log sequence number (LSN) {000134d3:00004a0f:00d7}.

    Back up the publication database and contact Customer Support Services.

    [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 18805) Log Scan process failed in processing log records.

    Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems.

    [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22859) The statement has been terminated.

    [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3621) The statement has been terminated.

    [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 3621) The call to sp_MScdc_capture_job by the Capture Job for database 'ABC' failed.

    Look at previous errors for the cause of the failure. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22864).

    NOTE: The step was retried the requested number of times (10) without succeeding. The step failed.

  • Hi,

    Try to remove cdc job, backup log file and recreate cdc job. Check BOL to find t-sql command recreating the cdc job.


  • It is worthy to check CDC status in a few areas.

    Please use following command to make sure everything is configured:

    EXECUTE sys.sp_cdc_help_change_data_capture;-- Returning change data capture configuration information for all tables

    exec sys.sp_cdc_help_jobs-- Reports information about all change data capture cleanup or capture jobs in the current database.

    -- Last sessions:

    select top 100 *

    from sys.dm_cdc_log_scan_sessions

    order by sys.dm_cdc_log_scan_sessions.session_id desc--

    -- is_cdc_enabled shows 1 when CDC is enabled for DB; if capturing jobs are inactive data is not collected still - check line below

    select database_id, name ,is_cdc_enabled FROM sys.databases

    -- Reports information about all change data capture cleanup or capture jobs in the current database.

    exec sys.sp_cdc_help_jobs

    If everything is Ok, remove CDC jobs and recreate using:

    exec sys.sp_cdc_add_job @job_type = N'capture';-- adds capture job to collect data. The job should be added automaticaly after activating CDC

    exec sys.sp_cdc_add_job

    @job_type = N'cleanup'

    ,@start_job = 0

    ,@retention = 5760;-- Number of minutes that change data rows are to be retained in change tables. 4 days here.


  • This was some great code, Jack. Much of it is working well. However, the cdc_DBName_capture job is taking a heck of a long time. It needs about 18 hours of transactions to catch up but spot checking of tables is not yielding any values yet.

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