cant install sql server 2008

  • Hi.

    I have just got sql server 2008 downloaded from the microsoft dreamspark site. I have tried to install it, but I get to a stage where it asks for the server configuration details. It wants the service account details i.e. account name and password. This is the first time ive tried to install sql server 2008, so I do not have any account details. I tried putting in any details (and none!), but it comes up with the error:

    credentials you provided for the sql server agent service are invalid

    Any ideas?

    Thanks, Paul.

  • It is asking for some windows accounts to use for the services. Are you able create some accounts on the machine you are using? If you are just testing it out you could put your own account details in.

  • It will not create accounts. You need to create them before installing.

    If this is your workstation, just use your credentials, but be aware this can be a security issue.

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