Can We Create a Ghost Image of Sql Server 2005 ?

  • Can We Create a Ghost Image of Sql Server 2005 ? If yes.. Are there any specifices we need to do ?

    I am a newbie and i am trying to learn, i have just started working somewhere and all we use there is Sql server. since i am a hardware person myslef, i was thinking if we could create one image for sql server and see if it will work..

    You thoughts are appreciated.

    Thank you

  • I can't think of any reason why this should not be possible. Make sure you take regular backups of all your databases and test them so that you know you'll be able to restore them should you ever need to use your ghost image.


  • Thank you for you reply john,

    We have backups scheduled everyday. All i wanted to know was we have different products running on different servers, so i suggested to create image files for all the different products before we load any databases, and restore them in case of emergency / Crash.

    I am really not a DB person, but someone told me we don't create images for Sql servers. which i wasnt sure why not?

  • Yes, you can. I can't recall the software a previous company used, but its perfectly possibly to do this.

    Personally, I was never quite comfortable with ghosting. I guess I like to sit there with the cd's and watch over things.

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