Calling Parameterized StoredProcedure in sqloledb

  • Hi Friends,

    In my probject(vb6 + SqlServer7), I start develop with SQL SERVER ODBC Driver. Later I found Microsoft OLE DB provider for SQL Server is faster the ODBC driver and I hope it is true.

    Now, I establish the connection. But the problem is while calling a parameter stored procedure, it seems, I can't open the recordset in my VB app which calling a select statement stored procedure from SQL Server. Here is my code which was working perfect in ODBC Driver for SQL Server. What changes should I make.

    Dim Cmd as New ADODB.Command

    Dim rstStudent as New ADODB.Recordset

    With Cmd

    .ActiveConnection = Cn

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    .CommandText = "spRecordSet"


    .Parameters(1).Value = "tb_students"

    If txtSort <> "" Then .Parameters(2).Value = txtSort

    If txtFilter <> "" Then .Parameters(3).Value = txtFilter

    Set rstStudent = .Execute()

    End With

    I tried the other method through which we append parameters. Still SqlServer doesn't seems to return the recordset. Below is the code.

    Dim Cmd as New ADODB.Command

    Dim Param as New ADODB.Parameter

    Dim rstStudent as New ADODB.Recordset

    With Cmd

    Set Param = Cmd.CreateParameter("vTableName", adVarChar, adParamInput)

    .Parameters.Append Param

    Param.Value = "tb_students"

    Set rstStudent = .Execute()

    End With

    Pls help me to solve this problem. I don't know much detail about oledb provider for sqlserver.

    Thanks in advance


    P.B. No 14337

    Doha - Qatar

    Ph: 4435361

    P.B. No 14337
    Doha - Qatar
    Ph: 4435361

  • Either method is valid. Generally you want to create the parameters yourself since the refresh method requires an additional round trip to the server. Are you sure you have a valid connection? Are you getting an error or just nothing back?


  • Hi Warren,

    Thanks for your quick replay

    here is my connection string

    Dim Cn as NEW ADODB.Connection

    With CN

    .Connectionstring = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=FAMILYSERVER;Initial Catalog=famDB;User ID=manoj;Password=man123"

    .ConnectionTimeout = 100

    .CursorLocation = adUserClient


    End With

    I also notice that we can provier an attribute called Persist Security Info = False; But when I provide this option, it displaying Login failed for user and then another error called No such interface support.

    Is my connection string is correct. Should I make any changes in Stored procedure

    Pls post your advice


    P.B. No 14337

    Doha - Qatar

    Ph: 4435361

    P.B. No 14337
    Doha - Qatar
    Ph: 4435361

  • Connection looks ok. I notice you're missing the "Set" in front of .activeconnection = connection. Do you have error handling turned off when you test this? If that doesn't help post the structure of the table and one of will run through the code.


  • Hi Warren,

    The problem solved.

    I include SET NOCOUNT ON in begin of my SP

    One more dobut Warren..

    When I went through the OLEDB connection string, I seen a parameter called Persist Security Info = false;. But when I include that one, my VB app. display an error message call Login failed for user <username>. I bind my return recordset into a DataGrid. If my record set is empty it generate another error No such interface support. Is it really need to use persist security info. Can I skip that. I don't the usage of this optin.

    Pls let me know your advice

    Once again thanks


    P.B. No 14337

    Doha - Qatar

    Ph: 4435361

    P.B. No 14337
    Doha - Qatar
    Ph: 4435361

  • Persisting it just means that the connection maintains the security info, not that its getting written out somewhere.


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