calculate backup size

  • Anyone knows how to calculate backup size and predicate backup size growth?

  • Typically SQL Server backups are slightly smaller than

    the actual database size - space available.



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  • You can run sp_spaceused for the database and the reserved value in the sp_spaceused output indicate the space used. The size of the backup will usually be the size of the reserved value plus some overhead. Please note that you have to run dbcc updateusage or sp_spaceused with @updateusage = true for the stored proc to give an accurate estimate of spaceused.

  • You might try the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard built-in to EM and-or the sqlmaint.exe command line tool. I think these will post the size information you might be desiring in the job history information as well as to the optional log created by the tool. Allot depends on your backup and recovery needs in order to determine capacity information.Peter Evans (__PETER Peter_)

  • If it is an existing database, you can get history about data file and actual data growth from backup history.  See

  • Hello lila; your script on works fine, except for a little error in the column name "BackupSizeInGB". It should be "BackupSizeInMB", I think.


  • Thank you very much. Help a lot from you guys. Any ideas why the reserved value in sp_spaceused is very close to the backup size? In my case, the reserved values always are a little greater than the backup sizes.

  • Thanks Bert!  The collumn name has been changed.

  • Frank

    The backupsize and the 'reserved' space in sp_spaceused is the actual space currently used (where datapages are written on)  -  the rest is just reserved and is really empty space and therefore does not add to volume of backed up data.

  • Anyone know why the differential backup size is close to full backup size after run sp_spaceused with @updateusage = true ?

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