Business Intelligence Development Studio not working

  • Please guide me how to fix SQL Server Business Intelligence Development studio installation. SQL Server Management studio is working fine. I tried to fix and repair many times but when i open BI Management studio it says "Please wait while the wizard Initializes".

    Before SQL 2005, I have installed Visual Studio 2003 and its still working fine. I just upgraded .NET 2.0 then installed SQL Server 2005 Ent. Ed.

    Do I need VS 2005?

    any help will be higly appreciated.

    Shamshad Ali.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • During the beta cycle there were "co-released" pairs of SS and VS, at least that was true with the April CTP.  I can't imagine that they have made it backward compatible, and it was probably just a fluke that your VS 2003 worked at all... I mean, with SS 2005.


    david russell

  • I have fixed it.

    Thanks for closing this POST.


    Here is the solution:

    You should make sure that Visual Studio is still installed.

    If you didn't previously have VS installed, the BI Dev Studio installation

    will install a VS shell called Visual Studio Premier Partner Edition.

    Look in Add or Remove Programs for an entry like this.

    If you don't find any entry for Visual Studio go to the location for

    SQL Server setup and run .\Tools\Setup\vs_setup.exe.

    This will install the VS Shell. After this is installed repair the BI Studio

    installation by running the following from the command line from the .\Tools

    directory: start /wait setup.exe /qb REINSTALL=SQL_WarehouseDevWorkbench REINSTALLMODE=OMUS


    I have VS2003 with VS Business Intelligence 2005. Both are healthy and working fine. sicne two weeks now

    Shamshad Ali

  • when I run "start /wait setup.exe /qb REINSTALL=SQL_WarehouseDevWorkbench REINSTALLMODE=OMUS" I get the following error:

    "Please go to the Control Panel to install and configure system components"

    Any ideas?  I can see VS installed now but BIDS is still not available.


  • Same encounter here. Anyone managed to solve this? thks in advance.

  • Hi all,

    For the people who are still interested, I managed to overcome this problem. I went to control panel--> add or remove programs ---> microsoft sql server 2005. Next, click on the change button.

    You will get a microsoft sql server 2005 maintenance dialog box.

    Under SQL server 2005 common components:

    choose workstation components and click NEXT.

    A installation wizard will pop up:

    click NEXT,

    click NEXT again,

    Click change installed components,

    Then i click on the icon on the left of CLIENT COMPONENTS and choose ENTIRE FEATURES WILL BE INSTALLED ON LOCAL HARD DRIVE,

    click next

    After the setup is completed, you will be able to launch BIDS from the start-->Programa-->Microsoft SQL server 2005-->SQL Server BIDS.

  • I think I tried that and it didn't work for me. I had to reinstall with Integration Services selected in order for it to work properly.

  • thanks a lot.. it works!!

  • Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) is an add-on to Visual Studio 2005 via SQL Server 2005.

    This component is obtainable from the SQL 2005 Express Toolkit version. When running setup, select detailed intall options and then "Will be installed on local hard drive" from the Feature Selection > Client Components option list.

    I have not tested this when opting not to install SQL 2005 Express (as part of VS 2005) and using a development database on another server.

    My setup uses SQL Server 2005, installed on another development server, with a SQL Server 2005 express (with BI) locally installed on the development box:hehe:.

    Business Intelligence Projects appear in my New Project Templates, however I recieved a message after installing from the 2005 Express Toolkit to the effect of:

    Business Intelligence Development Tools for Integration Services and Analysis Services

    •The version of Business Intelligence Development Tools that is included in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit does not include projects for SQL Server 2005 Integration Services or SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services. These projects are available only with editions of SQL Server 2005 that include Integration Services and Analysis Services. SQL Server 2005 Express Edition does not include Integration Services or Analysis Services.

    SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and Express Edition with Advanced Services

    •To download SQL Server 2005 Express Edition or SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services, see the SQL Server Development Center on MSDN ( ).


    I'll try it out first!

  • Mmm :P, the above is for SSRS only (part of BI) and the message I got (yelling about SSIS) is for SSIS, i.e. part of BI too, but not part of SQL Express 2005 (ADV | Toolkit)

    NOTE: It would seem that you should not have Express (at least not Toolkit) installed on the same machine as your Visual Studio. So use the advanced options when installing VS 2005 and don't install Express. When I tried installing from SQL Server Developer Edition, it complained about upgrading some or the other and I gather that is clashing with the already installed express versions of BI SSRS components, because my SSIS templates did not appear although I had the SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio menu option available.

    Getting your Visual Studio for BI to provide project templates for SSIS, requires a SQL Server 2005 license, to install it and not the database engine etc. on the development box:

    Run the SQL Server Developer Edition installation setup disc, i.e. the one you paid for! This is to install Business Intelligence Developers Studio with the additional templates for Analysis Services as well as Integration Services and Reporting Services

    From the Components to Install window: Select Integration Services and use Advanced button

    Choose Integration Services as well as Client Components > Business Intelligence Development Studio and install

    Some time passes and by now you have a cup of tea in your hand!

    You should see a menu item form the Start option: All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (opens the same olde VS 2005 as the other menu item, by the way)

    The BI templates for Integration Services (SSIS ETL etc.) should be available from the Create New Project menu option

    NOTE: The physical BI templates are located in the folder: Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Business Intelligence Projects

    Conclusion: It would seem that SQL Express, installed as part of VS 2005, and my subsequent endeavour (described in previous post) to get BI for both SSIS and SSRS up and running on a machine that does not have SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition database installed, did not pay off for SSIS per se. After removing Express and only installing the BI components (from the SQL Dev Ed installation discs) it caused the SSIS templates to be available in VS 2005. :w00t: Nice!

  • When I had this problem a while back the only way I got it to work was to reinstall all of SQL 2005 together.

  • Not having a local install of SQL Express means that VS 2005 goes ape looking for a DB to put Design Time Validation Database. This is experienced when creating a new Database Project (part of DB Professionals add-on)

    Changing option Tools > Option Database Tools > Design-time Validation Database to a ServerName\SQLInstanceName (where ServerName is a remote SQL Server) brings no joy! Apparently it is not possible to use a remote server.

    There is a work-around that I located on MSDN Forums MSDN Forums, using an application called TCP Trace to tunnel from the local port (VS 2005 looking for a Db) to the remote SQL Server's port. I have posted my installation details, which is working just fine.

    So having come all the way to install BI components for both SSRS and SSIS as well as using a remote database for Design-time purposes, this has been an eventful journey!:D

  • Hi All,

    Even me too got same message and tried the link mentioned above, but I didn't get the projects with Business Intelligence Development Studio.

    Could anybody tell me how to get the projects i.e Integration and Analysis Services with BIDS?

    Do I need to do some patch or need to add add-in?

    Please tell me me in detail because I am beginner to this SQL environment.

    Thanks in advance.

  • I haven't worked with this for a while, but you need to ensure that you have SQL 2005 installed, inclusive of Analysis Services/ Reporting Services on the same machine as your Visual Studio 2005 for you to get the BIDS templates etc.

    When you install SQL server (before Visual Studio) you will see a Visual Studio menu option on your start menu, which is the components for BIDS. After installing Visual Studio, you should be able to select a Business Intelligence Project (sitting at the very top of the New Project menu window), with available templates in the Templates section.

    When you have problems, i.e. not able to see BI templates, you have some or other installation mismatch, such as initially when Visual Studio 2008 and SQL 2008 did not recognise each other etc. If you do a straight VS 2005 and SQL 2005 install (selecting the respective components at installation correctly) you should not have a problem). I can't recall if you need to install the VS 2005 add-on for Database Professionals as a prerequisite, but you might want to try that too.;-)

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