Boolean expression not working

  • I have the following code:

    SELECT A, B, A = B
    FROM (SELECT ((.1 + .2) * 10) as A, (1.0 + 2.0) as B) as tbl1

    which returns this:

    SQL Results

    Shouldn't the 3rd column be named A = B instead of just A?  More importantly instead of having a value of 3.0 in the 3rd column, should the value be TRUE (or maybe FALSE)?

  • SQL Server allows the use of = notation for a column alias. So you have an alias, not a Boolean expression. The column alias is A so it would be named A.  Just as if you did using more standard SQL:

    SELECT A, B, B as A
    FROM (SELECT ((.1 + .2) * 10) as A, (1.0 + 2.0) as B) as tbl1


  • Ok.  I didn't know that.  Good to know.  Thank you.

  • If you wanted the third column header to read as "A = B", then you have to type it as

    [A = B]

    If you want the third column to evaluate as a boolean expression, you have to use a CASE statement.

    WHEN A = B THEN cast(1 AS bit)
    ELSE cast(0 AS bit)

    Note that in SQL, true and false are displayed as 1 and 0 respectively. It's not quite the same as the Boolean structure in .NET.

  • Ok.  If I use the CASE statement, could I still use that in my code above?  Where would it go?  Would it actually go in the SELECT statement?  It would seem weird to put all that code in the SELECT statement.

    Also what is the purpose of casting 1 and 0 to a bit data type?  Is that what you are doing?  If so, why not just leave the choices as 1 and 0 since that would be recognized as True or False?

    Does SQL consider any number other than zero to be true, or could it be that only a 1 represents true?

  • In your select statement, you'd replace

    , A = B


    , CASE .... END

    that was given above.


    The Cast converts the constants 1 or 0 which are integer values to bit data types.  Try it both ways (with and without the Cast) and see what you get.

  • One advantage of casting 1 and 0 to bit is that some UIs will default to displaying these as True/False or ticked/unticked without any special coding.

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