• Just for Fun. Try following commands in your sql server.

    BACKUP TABLE authors TO DISK='D:\pubs2.bak' 

    RESTORE TABLE authors from DISK='D:\pubs2.bak'

    I got some information that this commands were implemented in SQL 6.5 but discontinued in SQL 7.0 / 2000.  

    -- Amit

    -- Amit

    "There is no 'patch' for stupidity."

    Download the Updated SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

  • Yeah the message about not being implemented is interesting, but so far MS hasn't committed to implementing in SQL, not sure on Yukon as I haven't had time to get myself added to the beta or time that I can commit to it anyway.

  • nope, yukon beta:

    BACKUP TABLE is not yet implemented.

    RESTORE TABLE is not yet implemented.

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