Backup and Restore Reporting Services

  • Does anyone know how to back up the reporting services. or restore a Reporting services with all its reports in place.

    Please help me on this...



    thanks in advance




  • For the reports, datasources etc. you need to backup the ReportServer database. 

    Backing up applications under windows is complicated.  Use a ghost image or restore Reporting Services again.

  • I have used the following procedure to successfully test a disaster recovery scenario:

    1. Back up the ReportServer database in SQL as you would normally back up any SQL db.

    2. Use the rskeymgmt utility to back up the symmetric encryption keys (used to provide encryption/decryption of sensitive data within the ReportServer database). For example, the following would be used to back them up to a file called "c:\RSKeys\MYSQLSERVER\MYSQLSERVERkey.txt":

    rskeymgmt -e -fc:\RSKeys\MYSQLSERVER\MYSQLSERVERkey.txt -pMyPassword

    3. Drop the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases.

    4. Uninstall and reinstall Reporting Services (along with SP1).

    5. Restore from a SQL backup the ReportServer database (force overwrite over the new one created by reinstalling RS).

    6. Use the rskeymgmt Utility to restore the keys used by the Report Server. For example, the following would by used to restore from the file created in step 2:

    rskeymgmt -a -fc:\RSKeys\MYSQLSERVER\MYSQLSERVERkey.txt -pMyPassword

    For additional info see the rskeymgmt topics in Reporting Services Books Online.

  • thanks, got it!

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