Auditing Your SQL Server Environment Part I

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at

  • There is a small bug in the new version of this stored procedure which I sent to this web site. When using the sysxlogins table login names can be in the table multiple times. I left of a WHERE clause on the sub-queries which will only pull names from the local server. See my website for correction details.


  • Fantastic .. We need more like this . Cant wait for the next one.

    Basically in my company we devised a small checklist of things like this and stuffed them into a VB App to 'audit' any existing system. It would be great if we could all get together in this forum and develop a nice checklist and perhaps an open source tool to do this auditing and reporting . I would be glad to contribute for this ...


    Santosh Benjamin

    email :

    Santosh Benjamin

    Santosh Benjamin

  • That would be great. Wonder if others would join in as well.

    I have about 12 more articles on this topic that I plan to write and pass on to others.

    Would like to see your list though.


  • I would definately like to join you guys. I am supporting around 60+ servers in the production / development environment. In the past I used to manually document all my servers but as the number of servers increased, I started having problems. So I decided to automate the whole process of documentation; Thanks to Microsoft for providing the DMO objects. Now it just takes me few seconds to document any server any time I want. Looking forward to work with you guys.

  • This aricle hot the nail right on  the head.....

    Worth reading..........


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