Append backup files

  • Hello room,

    I created a database backup plan in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008.

    Then, I specified the backup location and select APPEND (If backup file exist).

    However, I noticed that the backup file was overwrite.

    Can anyone help?



  • Are you backing up to a device ? With append, the size should grow by the size of the database. With overwrite, the size should stay about the same as the database.

    I prefer to backup to separate, individual .bak & .trn files. I find it easier to manage and verify.

  • Would you please share with me how to backup to separate, individual bak & trn files.

    I only know to accomplish those by setup separate jobs.



  • Use the WITH INIT in the backup command, or don't check "append" in a maintenance plan. You typically then have the files named differently each day. There are lots of scripts on this site to help with that, or the maintenance plan will handle that.

    Typically log files are backed up more often, so you do have two jobs.

  • Hello Steve,

    Yes. There are many database backup scripts and I run into errors.

    I create a job that runs on Daily at 3:00 AM and step is

    BACKUP DATABASE Operations

    TO DISK = 'F:\Backup\Operations_Full.bak'

    MIRROR TO DISK = 'F:\Backup\Operation_Full_2.bak'



    I noticed that the bak file will get overwrite.



  • This will overwrite the backup every day. I suggest you look at our scripts section and get a script that will change the name of the file everyday used for the backup, and then delete older backups after they are a couple days old.

  • As Steve mentioned you can use a maintenance plan. Then you can specify how many days to retain your individual backup files. It can be done through scripting also but is more cumbersome.

  • I downloaded a database backup script from this links

    My test computer has the following environment:

    Computer Name: xServer03

    Database Instance : xServer03\ALG

    Backup folder: D:\Backup

    I modified those script on:

    @BackupSeverName VARCHAR(50) = N'xServer03',

    @BackupShareInput VARCHAR(200) = N'D:\Backup',

    @DoAfullBackupInput INT =1

    Run the script, and errors indicated "Must declare the scalar variable" @backupServerNameInput.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 7

    Incorrect syntax near '?'.

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 36

    Must declare the scalar variable "@BackupServerNameInput".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 37

    Must declare the scalar variable "@BackupShareInput".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 38

    Must declare the scalar variable "@DoAFullBackupInput".

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 47

    Incorrect syntax near '?'.

  • Those are syntax errors. You have mistyped something.

  • I selected those script, copied and paste into my Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

    Then, I changed two parameters:

    @BackupServerNameInput VARCHAR(50) = N' xServer03',

    @BackupShareInput VARCHAR(200) = N'D:\Backup'

  • Those are still syntax errors. They say that the variable hasn't been declared. Somewhere either the declaration is wrong or the use of the variable has the name typed incorrectly.

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