ambiguous column name in delete statement

  • Inside a stored proc for an ETL process is the following code
    declare @whereclause_1 nvarchar(400)

    DECLARE @sql_stmt nvarchar (500) = 'DELETE FROM [dbo].[fact_table] WHERE 1=1 ' + @WhereClause_1

    EXEC sp_executesql

    @query = @SQL_STMT,

    @params = N'@Record_Count INT OUTPUT',

    @Record_Count = @Record_Count OUTPUT

    when it runs it fails and the error log for sp records an error message of ambiguous column name.
     I captured the @sql_stmt and it resolves out to

    DELETE FROM [dbo].[fact_table] WHERE 1=1 AND LAST_MODIFIED Between '2018-09-01' AND '2018-10-31'
    and it runs no problem
    I'm stumped

  • I usually put a commented out print before the exec so you can uncomment it in these situations
    PRINT  @sql_stmt

  • I dropped this in so I can see what its doing which is how I resolved the sql
    msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'Admin'

    , @recipients = ''

    , @subject = 'fact table'

    , @body = @SQL_STMT

  • I'm guessing that the error comes from somewhere else, unless there's a security context difference between the way it runs in production and the way you are running it.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • yeah, the error was there as originally the delete was trying to use an alias to the table, further on in the SP it enters new data and wasn't referencing the table using an alias it took me a while to remember the error message can refer to inserts a swell as deletes. I inserted the email code into each load section until I found the offender but for a while I was convinced it was the delete.

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