Altering SSMS script templates

  • Hi everyone,
    Quick question regarding SSMS default scripting templates. When browsing the object explorer in SSMS, is there a way to alter the scripting templates that are used via the context menus for CREATE, ALTER, DROP or EXECUTE for an object. I'm not looking to add or remove any options, there are just a few of them that would be more useful if i could tweak them.
    An example would be when you right click on a Stored Procedure and choose "Script Stored Procedure as> EXECUTE TO" to not use @rc as an output variable.

    I have several plugins that I would be lost without, so I know that some of them have options that may serve my need in some capacity, but I'm specifically looking to know if the factory SSMS scripts are editable.

    I have looked high and low, and this seems like a relative straight forward question (*to me*), but I think that I'm looking for the wrong thing or using incorrect nomenclature.
    It could also just be that the answer is no...

  • If you have an open query in SSMS, you can select a table name or any word and hit a Query ShortCut key to run a custom command which will be passed the word.  That is about the best I can come up with.  Just  right-click the toolbar, customize and hit the [keyboard...] button.  Expand "Keyboard" and select "Query Shortcuts" and assign a custom proc name to execute.

    I've given up on applications being user friendly and purchased QuickMacros.  I've got hundreds of macros that work within or between apps.  Your request is a piece of cake with Quick Macros.

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