Activity Monitor->Resource Waits->Wait Category "Other"

  • Can someone provide some guidance on what the Activity Monitor's Wait Category of "Other" is? I've got a system I'm looking at and "Other" is always bubbled to the top of the Resource Waits, and I'm unsure what it indicates. I've done some searches on this but have been unable to unearth guidance on what "Other"... hoping someone clarify or help point me towards some doc on it?

  • Hi,

    "Other" is the wait category with all the miscellaneous wait types are categorized as 'unknown'. These waits occur for internal operations and no tuning is necessary to avoid such waits. The wait types which are categorized as "Other" in Activity Monitor are listed in the below URL, please have look at it.


  • Unless I'm mistaken, that article doesn't delineate which fall into the "Other" bucket.

    As additional color on the topic I should probably have provided, when I look at Activity Monitor, by in large the biggest resource wait on this system is being reported as "Other", far greater than logging, mirroring related tasks, CLR, and everything else going on within this very active environment. I'm trying to get better insight into what/why that is.

    Perhaps Activity Monitor isn't the best way to look at this due to how it mashes various resource waits together to "dumb down" the info into a more user friendly "at a glance" format?

  • Figured I'd update my findings in case anyone ever runs into the same issue. After interrogating the DMV's and further review, we determined that the high volume of "Other" waits were mainly attributed to Mirroring related events, as we use the synchronous high safety mode.

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