A Simple DR Solution

  • Nicole

    as far as DTS/SSIS goes, we use DTSBackup2000. We execute an overnight batch of the command line exe to copy all server-based DTS packages to the DR site.

    We also decided early on that all SSIS packages should be file based.

    All file-based DTS and SSIS packages are xcopied to the DR site in a separate script.

    Logins are also scripted out, including IDs and hashed passwords, and sent to DR overnight.

    Agent jobs are somewhat problematic in that they are copied manually on creation. We haven't pursued this much more since our set of jobs is fairly static.

  • here is a solution for jobs

    we have some dev sql servers where the developers make their own sp's and keep there. rule is that anytime someone wants a new copy of a db we restore from backup because it's too much to copy over the data. sometimes the devs forget to back up their stuff because we don't backup dev and qa.

    i had an idea to make a sql server with blank db's with the same names as prod and copy all jobs and sp's there for backup.

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