• This isn't really pretty - and I had to carve it out of a cursor that I use as part of my nightly processing - but it seems to be pretty accurate for calculating db space.  Also, I can't claim to have come up with this.  My inspiration came from a few MS-supplied stored procedures. 

    I guess that's as close to a disclaimer as I can get <g>.  This will more than likely get wordwrapped so I hope you can make sense out of it...

    Cheers, Ken

    PS Replies/comments are appreciated/welcome


    SELECT @dbname = 'pubs'

    EXEC('USE '+@dbname+'

       DECLARE @DBSize        DEC(15,0),

               @LogSize       DEC(15,0),

               @BytesPerPage  DEC(15,0),

               @PagesPerMB    DEC(15,0),

               @FreeSize      DEC(15,4),

               @Growth        INT,

               @PrintStr      VARCHAR(200)

       SELECT @DBSize = SUM(CONVERT(DEC(15),size))

          FROM dbo.sysfiles

          WHERE (status & 64 = 0)

       SELECT @Logsize = SUM(CONVERT(DEC(15),size))

          FROM dbo.sysfiles

          WHERE (status & 64 <> 0)

       SELECT @BytesPerPage = low

          FROM master.dbo.spt_values

          WHERE number = 1

          AND type = "E"

       SELECT @PagesPerMB = 1048576 / @BytesPerPage

       SELECT @FreeSize =

          @DBSize -

             (SELECT SUM(CONVERT(DEC(15),reserved))

                FROM sysindexes

                WHERE indid IN (0, 1, 255)


       SELECT @Growth = MIN(growth)

          FROM sysfiles

          WHERE status & 0x40 <> 0x40

       SELECT @PrintStr = "   Space usage (Data + Log = Total)...: "+

          LTRIM(STR((@DBSize) / @PagesPerMB,15,2))+" + "+

          LTRIM(STR((@LogSize) / @PagesPerMB,15,2))+" = "+

          LTRIM(STR((@DBSize+@LogSize) / @PagesPerMB,15,2))+" Mb"

                PRINT @PrintStr

       SELECT @PrintStr = "   Free Data Space....................: "+

             LTRIM(STR((@dbsize -

                (SELECT SUM(CONVERT(DEC(15),reserved))

                   FROM sysindexes

                   WHERE indid IN (0, 1, 255)

                )) / @PagesPerMB,15,2)+ " Mb")

                + " (" +

                LTRIM(STR(((@FreeSize / @PagesPerMB)/(@DBSize / @PagesPerMB))*100,15,2))

                + "%)"+


                   WHEN (@FreeSize/@DBSize) < .05 AND @Growth = 0 THEN " ***** WARNING *****"

                   ELSE " "


       PRINT @PrintStr

       USE master
