Ninja's_RGR'us (4/9/2010)
Chris Morris-439714 (4/9/2010)
Hi NinjaIt would be better to change the string list from comma-delimited to fixed position, three character positions per item - that way, the upper limit would be 999 rows. You would still have the benefit of the ceiling figure in the feed row (9 in the example), and the string arithmetic would be far simpler than modifying the existing comma-delimited string to account for numbers of more than one digit.
Work is in progress, mate.
Whatever you say... I'm really clueless when it comes to cte especially with recursion... and I have no time to read up on the subject at the moment.
No worries: -
;WITH calculator AS (
ColumnNo= 1,
Number= 1,
Store= CAST(' 1' AS VARCHAR(3000))
ColumnNo= CASE WHEN lr.Number = tr.MaxRows
THEN lr.ColumnNo - 1
ELSE lr.ColumnNo + 1 END,
Number= CASE WHEN lr.Number = tr.MaxRows
-- go back one 3-char column position, increment number found there
THEN CAST(RIGHT(LEFT(lr.Store, (lr.ColumnNo - 1) * 3), 3) AS INT) + 1
ELSE lr.Number + 1 END,
Store= CASE WHEN lr.Number = tr.MaxRows
LEFT(lr.Store, (lr.ColumnNo - 2) * 3) -- < chop off last two 3-char column positions
+ RIGHT(' ' + LTRIM(STR( -- < add new Number
CAST(RIGHT(LEFT(lr.Store, (lr.ColumnNo - 1) * 3), 3) AS INT) + 1
)), 3)
ELSE CAST(lr.Store + RIGHT(' ' + LTRIM(STR(lr.Number + 1)), 3) AS VARCHAR(3000)) END
FROM calculator lr
INNER JOIN (SELECT CAST(16 AS INT) AS MaxRows) tr -- < 16 is the number of shipping rows
ON NOT (lr.ColumnNo = 1 AND lr.Number = tr.MaxRows)
FROM calculator
--WHERE ColumnNo > 1 AND ColumnNo < 16 -- < 16 is the number of shipping rows
-- Maxrows = 16: (65,535 row(s) affected) / 00:00:02
-- Maxrows = 20: (1,048,575 row(s) affected) / 00:00:46
-- Maxrows = 21: (2,097,151 row(s) affected) / 00:01:33
-- Maxrows = 22: (4,194,303 row(s) affected) / 00:03:08
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