ASF 015: Kalen Delaney interview
Introduction Kalen Delaney has been working with SQL Server since 1987 when she joined the Sybase Corporation in Berkeley, California....
88 reads
Introduction Kalen Delaney has been working with SQL Server since 1987 when she joined the Sybase Corporation in Berkeley, California....
88 reads
DevOps Terms – and Why They Matter to Database Specialists Find out what is Scrum, Continuous Deployment, TDD and others from...
60 reads
“This was in Dallas, we had our MVP Summit in Dallas and there were only maybe like less than 10...
56 reads
Hi guys! Not too much this week as I was very busy on #DataRelay tour across UK whole week (relation...
50 reads
In this blog post I want to quick go through one of useful capabilities that Microsoft provided with version 2...
193 reads
By Steve Jones
amoransia – n. the melodramatic thrill of unrequited love; the longing to pine for...
By Steve Jones
One of the things that I like about the Data API Builder (DAB) is...
By DataOnWheels
Hey data friends! This blog is to discuss an edge case I’ve run into...
How it is implemented? I have installed, tried, it is free for dbs <=30...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Technical Pain Behaviors
Hello, trying to call a powershell file I created, locally on the server, but...
What does the BIT_COUNT function do in SQL Server?
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