At what LSN is a database Snapshot.

  • I am trying to figure out a way to tell what LSN is associated with the creation of a database snapshot.

    sys.master_files seems useless and sys.database_files (in the snapshot ) is useless too.

    On MSSQL Server Internals it says:

    ... The snapshot reflects when the CREATE DATABASE command is issued - that is, when the creation commences.

    SQL server checkpoints the source database and records a synchronization LSN in the source database.

    Is that checkpoint LSN the one that I should care about? I see no other LSN reported by fn_dblog.

    Is that LSN metadata queryable by any other means?

    * Noel

  • Interesting question. If I create a snapshot in a clean db/log, I get only 3 log records. They are the




    I'm guessing it's one of these, likely the end, but I'll check with other people.

    May I ask why you want to know? Is there something you're trying to pin down in terms of timing?

  • FWIW: I do get those three records too.

    We are trying to create a few ways to apply delayed transactions to some remote servers.

    Database snapshots are "fast" to create and easy to query (we have business use cases to protect against)

    Knowing the LSN number at which the snapshot was created is just a part of the puzzle.

    * Noel

  • I was told it was in the boot page for the snapshot (or db)

    DBCC TRACEON(3604);

    DBCC PAGE(0,1,9,3);

  • This might be easier to consume. Wasn't aware of it myself until Argenis Fernandez mentioned it


  • As a feedback and for completeness we ended up using:


    Thank you very much for pointing us in the right direction

    * Noel

  • Cheers. If it's an interesting solution, maybe you want to write about it? 😉

    Send in a short piece on how this is helpful to you or how you use it?

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