Report Manager's Subscriptions Page column/field view

  • Hi

    Does anyone know if you can configure the Subscriptions page of a Report Manager report, to add additional fields to it, such as the email subject line.

    The reason is I have a report with several dozen subscriptions set up by multiple users, and the standard view of Description (which for emails is just the email address it is being sent to), and then just the run time and status, is not enough for users to be able to identify the difference between their groups of subscriptions.

    If it was configurable to be able to add in the email subject line, this would help.




  • I don't think so, but I am not positive. However, I think you have a great idea. 🙂

    I couldn't build this without a fair amount of research, but I am reasonably sure you could build a report based on the report server db that could have the columns you want.

  • Hi, Thanks for your reply.

    I'm sure you're right that a report could be built to show the subscription details of a report or all reports, but could this be tied into the administration side of the subscriptions? ie allow users to identify their different subscriptions easily, so they can then chose the ones they want to administer?

    Could the said report be used in place of the existing subscriptions page, but still allowing drill through(!), or could the standard report allow a hyperlink or drill through to the subscription editing details (again “!”).

    Do you see the point, it's less about viewing the subscription list and more about identifying which subscription you want to edit if you have multiples with the same email name and run dates.

    Any additional thoughts?

    Thanks again.


    ps. the below code shows the location for the subscription data.

    Lifted from a posted script, apologies to the original poster, I cannot remember the source:

    use reportserver




    u.username 'Report Author',

    replace(S.[DeliveryExtension],'report server ','') 'Type',



    Modified.[UserName] 'Subscription Modifier/Creator',


    replace(S.[Description],'send e-mail to ','') 'Distribution List',





    [Subscriptions] S

    inner join [Catalog] CAT on S.[Report_OID] = CAT.[ItemID]

    inner join [Users] Owner on S.OwnerID = Owner.UserID

    inner join [Users] Modified on S.ModifiedByID = Modified.UserID

    inner join users u on cat.createdbyid = u.userid

    left outer join [SecData] SD on CAT.PolicyID = SD.PolicyID AND SD.AuthType = 1

    left outer join [ActiveSubscriptions] A with (NOLOCK) on S.[SubscriptionID] = A.[SubscriptionID]

    where S.[LastStatus] not LIKE '%was written%' and S.[LastStatus] not LIKE '%mail sent%' and S.[LastStatus] not LIKE '%New Subscription%' and S.[LastStatus] not LIKE '%been saved%'

    Order by s.lastruntime desc

  • Hi,

    Did you find any solution about the email subject line?


  • The only suggesion I have regarding Report Manager is the My Subscriptions link at the upper right. I believe that will limit the subscriptions to the user, but it may be that they had to set up the subscription for themselves in the first place. I'm not sure.

    Other than that it sounds more like some custom ASP.NET or a simple app front end. Either way you are looking at some custom work.

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