update statement with isnull and nullif functions.

  • :-P1.SP_ Template

    @Code char(30),

    @Path varchar (50),

    @PathReadOnlyInd int

    The SP must update table MyTable

    If any one of the parameters @Path or @PathReadOnlyInd are null or blank the value currently in the table must remain unchanged. Use one update statement with isnull and nullif functions.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SP_Template

    @Code char(30),

    @Path varchar(100) = null,

    @PathReadOnly int = null



    UPDATE dbo.Mytable


    Path = isnull(nullif(@Path,''),'')

    PathReadOnly = isnull(nullif(@PathReadOnly,''),'')

    FROM dbo. Mytable

    WHERE Code = @Code


    But this will overwrite the current values with blanks.

  • Hi,

    I believe this should work, but it is untested because you provided no sample data. 🙂

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SP_Template

    @Code char(30),

    @Path varchar(100) = null,

    @PathReadOnly int = null



    --set @path = null if it is blank

    IF LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(@path,''))) = 0

    SET @path = null

    UPDATE m


    Path = ISNULL(@Path,m.path),

    PathReadOnly = ISNULL(@PathReadOnly,m.PathReadOnly)

    FROM dbo.Mytable as m

    WHERE Code = @Code


    The isnull() will return the value from your table if @path/@PathReadOnly is null.


  • As being minimalist, the following single line will also work to set your param to null if it is a blank (or spaces) without any trims and checks for length (it would also work if your @path param would be of CHAR datatype):

    SET @path = NULLIF(@path,'')

    Actually, you don't need even that, just use:

    UPDATE m


    Path = ISNULL(@Path,NULLIF(m.path,'')), -- don't update when no path supplied

    PathReadOnly = ISNULL(@PathReadOnly,m.PathReadOnly)

    FROM dbo.Mytable as m

    WHERE Code = @Code

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  • Shouldn't the NULLIF be around the @Path variable?

    UPDATE m


    Path = ISNULL(NULLIF(@Path,''),m.path), -- don't update when no path supplied

    PathReadOnly = ISNULL(@PathReadOnly,m.PathReadOnly)

    FROM dbo.Mytable as m

    WHERE Code = @Code

    I did never use NULLIF before, but it looks really useful. 😉


  • Just another small advice:

    Don't use stored proc input parameters directly in the WHERE clause of query, copy them into the local variables first and use the local variables instead.

    It will prevent performance problems due to parameter sniffing.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
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  • You can also use a CASE statement for the same


    SET@Path = COALESCE( @Path, '' ),

    @PathReadOnly = COALESCE( @PathReadOnly, '' ) ,

    Path = CASE WHEN @Path = '' THEN Path ELSE @Path END,

    PathReadOnly = CASE WHEN @PathReadOnly = '' THEN PathReadOnly ELSE @PathReadOnly END

    WHERECode = @Code

    Looks longer but easy to read and understand

    Kingston Dhasian

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