Changed my app connection string from windows to SQL Server authentication

  • Hi,

    I have changed my app connection string from windows to SQL Server authentication.

    My app connect now to SQL Server using SQL Server authentication.

    Can i expect my app to become more slow because of this change?

    Do the querys executed perfome with the same speed?

    Thank you

  • There wont be any difference in the speed, Windows authentication is preferred as it can be more secure since it is controlled via the AD

  • yeph , i know but we have some specifyc situations in the company where we need to use this.

    Thank you very much.

    P.s - the connection to the server with SQL Server authentication will be encrypted (SSL) so that no one can put a sniffer on the network and see the user and pasword.

  • steveb. (2/12/2010)

    There wont be any difference in the speed, Windows authentication is preferred as it can be more secure since it is controlled via the AD

    Windows authentication in also reduce the application capacity because AD primary task is to resolve users in a Windows network. SQL authentication allows the application to scale.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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