deploy report - permissions are insufficient

  • We hired a new person and he's been assigned a couple of reports to work on. Normally I do this, but we're spreading some work around. He is able to open the .sln file from the network file location, edit .rld files, and save them. He is able to view and run reports in the web interface. When he tries to deploy his reports frim BIDS to the server, he gets the error "Error 7 The permissions granted to user 'DOMAIN\user' are insufficient for performing this operation. \\dir\dir\dir\report.rdl.

    I verified that he has modify rights to the file system location of the .rdl and project files.

    I have added him as Content Manager in Properties -> Security in the Report Manager.

    I have even added him as System Administrator temporarily in the System Role Assignments, but still he can't deploy the report.

    I even tried elevating his permissions on the SQL Server instance that is hosting the ReportServer database.

    I can deploy reports and my other coworkers in my group can deploy reports, but he can't. I know that the rest of us are members of a specific active directory group that has elevated permissions all over the place and he is not. We don't want to add him to that group yet (not my call), but we do want him to be able to deploy reports.

    Can anyone suggest other places that I might need to elevate his permissions in order to allow him to deploy?

  • If the user is not seeing Report Manager then the person may not have enough permissions, you could ask the person to go into IE and add the Report Manager url or IP address to LAN settings. In SQL Server the person needs at least DBO permissions to the datasource database and in ReportServerDB and ReportServerTempDB. And I know in a company network you can give the person publisher to deploy the reports.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks for the reply.

    The user can see and execute reports in Report Manager. So I need to elevate the users permissions on the ReportServer, and ReportServerTempDB databases?

  • Jay_Noob (12/10/2009)

    Thanks for the reply.

    The user can see and execute reports in Report Manager. So I need to elevate the users permissions on the ReportServer, and ReportServerTempDB databases?

    I think you do because I have used DBO permissions to create and deploy reports, the other deployment option is to copy all the files associated with the reports including solution file to Report Manager.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks Gift Peddie, giving him permissions on reportserver AND reportservertempdb was exactly what I was missing.

  • Jay_Noob (12/10/2009)

    Thanks Gift Peddie, giving him permissions on reportserver AND reportservertempdb was exactly what I was missing.

    I am glad I could help.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Hi,

    I have similar problem but I cannot solve it yet 😛

    In this post I also have requested help.

    I connect to my database server and go to Security-> Logins -> Left click on my user and properties.

    On user assignments or roles (I don't have english installation), I have assigned:

    Database: master user: my user default schema: my user

    Database: msdb user: my user default schema: My user

    Database: ReportServer User: dbo default schema: dbo

    Database: ReportServerTempDB user: dbo default schema:dbo

    I also have adde my user as Browser, Content Manager, My Reports, Publisher, Report Builder on my Report server configuration. And I also have my user as: System Administrator, System User on Configuration Manager.

    I've followed this todo:

    But I cannot deploy the report yet.

    Any Idea?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Reporting Services permissions are not related to the Master DB or MSDB, but you need to give dbo permissions in the datasource db, ReportServerDB and ReportServerTempDB. If security will not allow that tell the DBA the deployment will not work.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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